Worm Funny Story


In the Brooder
9 Years
Apr 17, 2010
Well, I found a little grub worm under my chicken cage (home to 5-6 day old chicks). I picked it up and put it in the food dish. My chicks are very curious so they walked over. One grabbed it and it became a mad goose chase. They didn't eat it, they just ran around with it, chasing eachother and grabbing it from eachother. It was so hilarious. Then one ate it right there within' seconds it was gone. All the others were so confused. haha, anyone ever feed there chickens worms, and then small squabbles break out? I have a video I will get it up for you guys later on.
It's funny, isn't it?
My hens do it even over a tiny, miniscule piece of bread, but it never gets old!

They seem to be serious, but I think they secretly have fun doing it

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