
5 Years
Jun 9, 2018
Hudson, NH
So I recently purchased my first batch of chickens, I got 10 in total ranging from Rhode Island reds, Easter eggers, and barred Plymouth rocks, along with two buff orpingtons. Now I read up that those breeds are cold hardy and I live in New Hampshire where cold means cold and this will be their first winter. They are about 11 weeks old and living in a coop in my backyard with plenty of room to roam. My roo, a Rhode Island Red, has recently been acting up... I don’t know how to properly explain it but he hasn’t been as active and he seems to kinda just float around, as all the other chickens huddle together and take dust baths and eat corn, he kinda just watches and occasionally snacks. He’s drinking water and I’m pretty sure he’s eating ok, he’s starting to shiver. He started shaking not intensely but very subtly. I just wanna know ignorance I should worry and what I should do?! Is he sick is he cold? What’s happening? How can I help?!
Hi there. :frow

Sorry to hear you are concerned. Yes I think you should be. :(

Where did these come from? How long have you had them? Are you able to post a pic? What are you feeding, including treats and supplements? How much is plenty of room to roam in ft X ft please? What is your current overnight lows? Ventilation is important, can you post a pic of your set up? When you say rooster.. you still mean 11 weeks? Have you seen his droppings? All questions are just to try and help. :fl
Also... yes, I would warm him up or at least bring him in and check for parasites... Parting feathers to the skin below the vent and on the abdomen and notice the skin color. Any "dirt" clumps at base of the feathers? Sometimes it is easiest to see bugs after it is dark and with a flashlight as it highlights their movement. Shivering in my experience is either from being cold, scared, or excited.

In addition I would want to monitor how his crop feels.

Is he lethargic... coccidiosis is one possibility... not all will present with blood in stool or diarrhea even.
Hi there. :frow

Sorry to hear you are concerned. Yes I think you should be. :(

Where did these come from? How long have you had them? Are you able to post a pic? What are you feeding, including treats and supplements? How much is plenty of room to roam in ft X ft please? What is your current overnight lows? Ventilation is important, can you post a pic of your set up? When you say rooster.. you still mean 11 weeks? Have you seen his droppings? All questions are just to try and help. :fl

I bought my chickens from mypetchicken.com most reviews seemed ok. And I’ve had them since they were like 2 days old. I’m feeding them 15% grower/finisher (Dumor). I also feed my cracked corn and sunflower with raisins occasionally as a treat. Their roam room is 14ft by 14 ft and they sometimes frolick about the yard( pics down below). The weather has been weird lately nightly lows are starting to be like 40s (F). I haven’t been really able to see his droppings but I haven’t seen anything out of the ordinary. I also recently noticed small white flakes on his back and feathers around his skin. Is that anything?

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