Worst Case Scenario/Foul Pox and Mites

Thanks for your quick reply. I think my chickens have dry pox. They have scabs on their combs and wattles. But not the rooster. Here in Texas near Galveston we get Mosquitos bad. We had them so bad this summer we would like fight our wày into the house. The scabs just showed up last week. What can I expect? Will I loose the flock? I only have 4. There is a decline in their eating but they are eating. Do they recover and begin laying?
If they just have the dry pox, and don't have any infections in their eyes, they should recover in 5-6 weeks. Check anyvery sick chickens for any yellow cheesy patches in their throats that can cause respiratory problems--this wet pox and very dangerous. Also check the eyes for lesions and swelling. Offer them eggs, tuna, or some gamebird feed for extra protein.
Thank you so so much! These are things I can do right away. I haven't noticed anything other than the scabs on 2 of the hens but I'm afraid one my be getting or has the wet pox. I saw wet nostrils the other day. Not yellow crusty but wet. I feel so bad about this. I hope they can get through this and be healthy egg laying chickens.
hey. please help!! I think two of my hens have foul pox!!! my camera won't pick it up enough but there a small black spots on her comb and even smaller dots on her wattle. there isn't many of them but I want to treat it fast. how can I treat it and what other sighs are there for the pox getting worse?? can someone help me and give me some info on what foul pox is!! PLEASE HELP!!!!!
hey. please help!! I think two of my hens have foul pox!!! my camera won't pick it up enough but there a small black spots on her comb and even smaller dots on her wattle. there isn't many of them but I want to treat it fast. how can I treat it and what other sighs are there for the pox getting worse?? can someone help me and give me some info on what foul pox is!! PLEASE HELP!!!!!
It is spread by mosquitoes in warm weather. Since it is a virus, all you can do is put a little iodine on the scabs or do nothing. Make sure they are eating, separate the ones that have it since they can spread it around, and it should only last around 5 weeks. Read this link: https://www.backyardchickens.com/a/avian-pox-how-to-treat-your-chickens-for-avian-pox
Did you look at the pictures in the link--do they match what you are seeing? It is only deadly if a chicken gets the wet pox or diphtherial type of fowl pox. Then they develop lesions inside the beak and throat that can block the airway. There is nothing to do for it except the iodine--no antibiotics will help pox because it is a virus. If any develop the wet pox, then treating with a strong antibiotic might help secondary infections. Most of us that see pox, only see a single scab on our chickens, but some in the humid south and in the tropics will see pretty bad cases. Just beware, that without a picture, I still can't tell you if pox is what your hen has--black spots can also be from a peck wound. Here is a picture of peck marks: https://www.backyardchickens.com/t/831148/fowl-pox


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