Would a broody duck raise "adopt" a day-old duckling?


10 Years
Apr 12, 2013
Hi I have two adult females and looking to add a third. We really want a Welsh Harlequin (Swedish is another possibility), but it's hard to find a young adult for sale.

So, if we order a day-old while one of our ducks is broody, will she help raise it?

Also, is this a bad idea in general? I believe that we will need to separate the other adult away from the adoptive momma and duckling for a few weeks. Will this cause too much stress for the separated adult?

Thanks for your help!
Not a bad idea. I would slip the chick under the broody duck at night so she would think she hatched it. Try not to disturb the broody to much when doing so. A simple butt lift'n'place might work. Stay a while to make sure things go ok. Or you could try in the day time seeing as she's already broody.

Separation most likely will cause stress to the other duck depending on how strong their bond is. BUT might be needed. The other duck might get jealous and attack the chick or broody. On the other hand she might not depends on the duck.

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