Would a rooster protect chickens from peafowl?


6 Years
Sep 16, 2013
There are about a dozen peafowl that roam wild around my neighborhood. The peacocks never cause any problems but a couple of the peahens are very aggressive. One in particular has been going after my chickens in addition to eating their food. It bugged me a ton when she would eat the food because thats money that is wasted in my opinion but now she has begun fighting with my girls. I am worried that she will really hurt them if I am not there. I am wondering if a rooster would help protect my hens from the peahens? If so would a particular breed be best? Any information is much appreciated. Thank you!
Eastern San Diego county. I suppose I could attempt to catch it. I know animal control will pick it up if I am able to contain it but because there are so many of them I doubt that I would really solve the long term problem if I catch this one peahen which is why I was hoping for something that would simply keep them off of my property. My dog keeps them at bay everywhere but in my chicken run.
I would never put up with other folks animals on my place but it sounds like they really do not belong to anyone, just make sure if you capture and place them somewhere that you keep it to yourself cause if they been running free all this time folks must like them and ya don't wanna tick off neighbors even if you are in your rights.. mad neighbors are a bad bad thing especial if you own your own home.
Thanks. That's the thing that is so weird everyone seems to dislike them except for one person. They have dented cars and harassed others chickens to. One of my neighbors thought that they were protected and therefore he couldn't do anything about it but according to animal control that isn't the case. I guess ill just encourage my dog to go after them more now that I know they are not protected. I just wasn't sure if a roo would go after them enough to discourage them or not.
Yeah that may have to be considered too. My run is rather large which is why I didn't originally consider that but it may be the way to go at least for now. Thanks guys.
Thanks. That's the thing that is so weird everyone seems to dislike them except for one person. They have dented cars and harassed others chickens to. One of my neighbors thought that they were protected and therefore he couldn't do anything about it but according to animal control that isn't the case. I guess ill just encourage my dog to go after them more now that I know they are not protected. I just wasn't sure if a roo would go after them enough to discourage them or not.
If you can teach your dog to go after them every time they land in your yard it should stop them from coming to your place at least it works for me here.

My last years hatch kept trying to go where i did not want them to be so i put my herding dog on them and that worked pretty good but they would still occasionally make it over there so i had my daughter put her wiener dog on the and after just one time they stopped trying to go over their completely

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