Would you complain?

Sorry, I'm still getting used to this. Something similar happened to me here in Texas. I had called and texted a breeder with a lot of ads and a pretty impressive web site. We arranged a date to meet at the breeder's ranch. I had requested an Orpington, a Red or Gold Sex-Link, an Easter Egger, and a BLR Wyandotte. We were rather surprised when, after a 2-hr drive, we pulled up to what looked like the chicken equivalent of a puppy mill. All ages, many breeds, kept in two large pens. My adult daughter looked at me like I was crazy. Long story slightly shorter - we went home with 4 'pullets'. Not one purebred. Well, the 'Lav Orpington' might have been, but, since it only lived a few hours, so... The others passed around an upper respiratory infection until we were down to 2. A RIR mix and a Silky BANTAM mix. I had specifically requested that we avoid Bantams for now. So, $85, and we ended up with two (sweet) mixes. They offered to make good on the Orpy, but we were afraid of dealing with more sick chickens.
Finally update:

Seller insists they aren't her birds but I can send them back, and if they are then she'll refund the money. Of course, it'll cost three times more to send back than I'll get on them. So I'll be selling the mongrels at auction.

ANYONE WHO WANTS TO KNOW WHO SHE IS. FEEL FREE TO PM ME. I'll be leaving a negative review, but dropping the Paypal. If they don't guarantee live animals, and she swears after being on the phone with them that they will insist I ship them all back. It's not worth the hassle. I tried to be kind and assume it was a mix-up or mistake, but she's been nothing but hateful. I was disappointed, then I was hurt at the allegations that I am making all this up to ruin her. Now I am just absolutely disgusted and livid with the whole situation.
Finally update:

Seller insists they aren't her birds but I can send them back, and if they are then she'll refund the money. Of course, it'll cost three times more to send back than I'll get on them. So I'll be selling the mongrels at auction.

ANYONE WHO WANTS TO KNOW WHO SHE IS. FEEL FREE TO PM ME. I'll be leaving a negative review, but dropping the Paypal. If they don't guarantee live animals, and she swears after being on the phone with them that they will insist I ship them all back. It's not worth the hassle. I tried to be kind and assume it was a mix-up or mistake, but she's been nothing but hateful. I was disappointed, then I was hurt at the allegations that I am making all this up to ruin her. Now I am just absolutely disgusted and livid with the whole situation.

Sending them back is a ridiculous suggestion and they know it. Additionally, it would do nothing to prove or disprove that these birds hatched from eggs they sold you. Both are reasons they would make the suggestion so they appear to be trying to work with you and making you seem unwilling to cooperate with their efforts.
Finally update:

Seller insists they aren't her birds but I can send them back, and if they are then she'll refund the money. Of course, it'll cost three times more to send back than I'll get on them. So I'll be selling the mongrels at auction.

ANYONE WHO WANTS TO KNOW WHO SHE IS. FEEL FREE TO PM ME. I'll be leaving a negative review, but dropping the Paypal. If they don't guarantee live animals, and she swears after being on the phone with them that they will insist I ship them all back. It's not worth the hassle. I tried to be kind and assume it was a mix-up or mistake, but she's been nothing but hateful. I was disappointed, then I was hurt at the allegations that I am making all this up to ruin her. Now I am just absolutely disgusted and livid with the whole situation.

This is too bad. Sorry for the huge hassle for you. There are some people who truly believe that if they trip, it was the floor’s fault...never their own fault. Any error? Nope, not them...blame the sky, the air, the water..or any such nonsense.

A few years ago, I ordered some custom t-shirts off Etsy. Long story short, lady dragged it out hoping to get past that common 60-day window of cc payment for refund or complaints, etc. Had a couple years worth of glowing reviews, which is why I ordered. I never got shirts, she did same to many other Etsy purchasers around same time, got banned from Etsy, started her own online shop..too bad for whomever orders from her, bc now no moderating company like Etsy. All my comms with her were thru Etsy, so I did get refunded as they could see my continual efforts and her continual time shifting, but my cc was willing to help me if Etsy didn’t. Never had the special shirts for the event, but live and learn.

Anyway, experience behind you. Move on for hopefully better experiences and chicken success! Good luck!
Thanks, guys. My husband told me last night to just let it go. It was obviously upsetting me way more than her, and that I could just order Ruth some new birds, that he'd give up his fun money this month. Maybe we can recoup some money out of it. I'm going to try to just put it out of mind, and not let it upset me anymore. I tell myself all the time that I can't change other people so I shouldn't let it upset me. But I have trouble just letting things. The anxiety and anticonfrontational stuff made me not even want to bring it up to start with. And I gave messages on here and email nearly 2 weeks, before going to paypal. I just don't know what else I could have done, other than ignoring the problem.

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