Wound full of maggots

She is doing much better today getting her to eat a little bit of wet dog food, and she's perked up and wanting to walk around today. But until her wound heals a little more she's been staying in my hammock with a mosquito net top to keep the flies out. Been packing her wound with Neosporin twice a day and soaking her once a day ever does see any maggots since day before yesterday. Thank you very much for your advice and help and care and concern I appreciate you very much
Haven't seen any maggots*
Great work @wkshaddon...i agree with the others, you have surely saved this girl.
Thank you so much. I can't imagine how horrible it must've been for her. I was horrified just seeing them packed in there 2" deep under her skin eating her alive. 🤢🤮 She got her appetite and energy back today.
I appreciate everyone being so quick to respond! I couldn't have saved her life without you all!

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