wow I'm in the silkie business Pictures added

john in wa

10 Years
Mar 31, 2009
I bought my self a flock of silkies and all waterers,feeders buckets feed and supplies. As of now i have 3 hens setting and hatching as we speak. one hen has a brood of 11 chicks 2 hens that are setting each hatched 2 chicks and more eggs are pipping. I have about 30 of the tiny little eggs in the incubator. i have one Frizzle hen setting on a clutch of eggs and 5 others that are laying. I left them one little hen as her little son raised it from a chick he found at a friends house and they let him have it as they had no idea where it came from. They are really nice people and are trying to move out of town and need to sell there house. i told her to keep my number and when they get into a new place let me know and i will give them some chicks to get them started again. I will post pics as soon as i get the time got a lot of work ahead of me.
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Ok lets get some pics of the new flock.

this is the bowl of eggs i got with them.

proud little hen with her clutch

2 of the girls sharing a nest

and the frizzle hen. she has 2 out now maybe more.

and the bator full of eggs and i do see a couple pips.
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I got my first silkie a little over a month ago. I never really wanted a silkie or frizzles, but the little bugeaters really grown on ya. They have got to be the most docile chicken i have ever seen I never worry about them trying to get away from me. what i do worry about is stepping on one. They seem to enjoy being around people they walk in between my feet on top of my feet ect.. I always got to watch where i step with these little fluff balls, they are nothing like the barred rocks or Marans. i still like my big birds and will not get ride of them but the silkies are great. Now i know why so many people like them, they really are little pets.
good luck with your flock! I have 21 silkie eggs incubating for the start of my breeding flock, last year I would never have thought about getting silkies, I love my dark egg laying hens too, but these things look like cotton balls from outer space, how can I resist?
At my last count I am up to 20 chicks. Can any one tell me if silkies keep laying why they are setting. I candled some of the extra eggs in the nest i stole from them because they had so many they could not cover them all, and it seems i have eggs from just laid to totally dark ready to hatch. I have the broody hens separated from the others and i think i may need to mark all the eggs so i know if they have any new eggs in the nest boxes. some of the eggs i put in the incubator yesterday are pipping. They were cold to the touch when i put them in the bator but showed sings of life when i candled them. I think this is going to be a long drawn out hatch.

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