
Chickie Minaj

In the Brooder
Aug 27, 2020
After 10 years of backyard chickening, my flock of 6 were massacred last night. Something(s) created and forced through a small gap in the coop and ripped the heads off all my sweet girls. Only ate half of one. I can’t believe the grief I’m feeling. I’m literally wrecked and feel so guilty and sad. What an awful way to die. I’ve lost a chicken here and there over the years of course which is always sad, but to lose them all at one night- and some were truly elderly- at least 10 yrs old- and STILL laying the occasional egg. Fed my family for years. All done. I feel sick. I’m shocked by the violence and by how hard this is to take. I myself am no spring chicken and have weathered some storms, but this has me in a tailspin 😢 Guess I’ll be buying eggs from now on.
My heart aches for you. I lost 3 last month in the same way and it still hurts to think about it. A scene from a horror movie. Maybe a bobcat. That is what is was for us - I knew because it came back while I was inside calming down the one I was able to save. I had thought they were nighttime predators but this one came at 9:30am. 2 were out free ranging but one was in the enclosed run and the opening was very small. You gave them a good life.
Oh no, I’m sorry that happened to your girls. My husband thinks bobcat also. But to kill six? We had one who loved to roost about 5 feet up in a tree and it got her too. So whatever it was could climb. Thank you for your kind response.

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