WV MD PA VA Chickenstock TSC Sat. April 23,2011

I'm not bashing Orps 'cuz Lord knows I love those big fluffy butts but.....I've been getting an egg from them about once a week or so that is SMALLER than my game banty's eggs. What's up w/that? I mean it's so small it looks like a songbird egg or something!
My wyandotte's are my best layers.
I get 12 eggs a day from my 12 wyandotte's Pullets/hens
The olive egg layer is right there with them.
My Marans some lay every day some every other.
My guineas have just started laying and they lay 4-5 eggs a day too.

Tammy my bator is full till the turkey eggs go down to hatch April 7-8th
Then I souls have room.
I've been sick and am just now getting around to all the pms and emails sorry.
Majestic Lane Poultry
has some not sure if she will be at the swap.

There are other breeds that have them so there should be silkies there not sure if they will sell just pullet or hens.
Hope you are feeling better. It is stressful and crazy here too. No worries. I will dig mine out tomorrow and start what I have collected and start collecting more for when your is clear around the 8th.
Majestic Lane Poultry
has some not sure if she will be at the swap.

There are other breeds that have them so there should be silkies there not sure if they will sell just pullet or hens.

Even if I do set up...my hens for sale this spring have already been sold. I will only have Silkies roos. I have sold enough Silkies over the years that I am certain other will be there with them. Come early.
Sound like one of your girls is laying what is affectionately called a fart egg. There is an internal laying issue but I cannot recall what causes it.
Hope you are feeling better. It is stressful and crazy here too. No worries. I will dig mine out tomorrow and start what I have collected and start collecting more for when your is clear around the 8th.

I wish I'd hurry up and get better.
I'll let you know when a tray is open.
Only thing I want to put down is the guinea eggs
and wheaten or JG eggs if I win them.
I don't want to hatch anymore after that till I have a order or for next swap.
Started on new coop today (brooder and 3 new coops) 16x24
can't wait to get all these chicks to the swap and out of my house!
Their dust is not helping at this point.

So he is going to be fast at work getting that coops/brooder building done.
Thanks for giving me that lovely term Tammy. There just so happens to be a thread by that name posted just yesterday!!
There's mention there of no yolk, I haven't cracked it yet but will in a few to see what I find!

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