Wyoming Unite!!!!

The difference between just putting them out in a run and what you do is that you provide them heat in the run.  Mine are in an unheated building so they stay contained in the brooder for at least two weeks.  It isn't because I am nicer, it is because I can't be bothered with worrying about them.  I also don't have any heat sources in my run so they can't go into the run until fully feathered or unless the weather is really warm.

Using a Mama Heating Pad for a small number of chicks is one thing but I hatched 90 chicks and I don't think that trying to fit them all under a Mama Heating Pad would work.

Yea, I am a small time chicken farmer compared to you. My brood is in the house, in the middle of my dinning room table
My run is not heated either, but I do plan on putting either a light or a pad in our small coop.
Was nice chatting about this subject with you. May you chicks stay warm, and your hens lay plentous
Yea, I am a small time chicken farmer compared to you. My brood is in the house, in the middle of my dinning room table
My run is not heated either, but I do plan on putting either a light or a pad in our small coop.
Was nice chatting about this subject with you. May you chicks stay warm, and your hens lay plenteous

A Mama Heating Pad will probably work really well for your small brood. Fortunately a couple of BYCers relieved me of a large number of my chicks. Stop by and I would be happy to increase the size of your brood.

Good luck.
Hello, and thanks for the welcome.

My chicks are 2 days over a week old, and I already need to move to a higher walled brood. Not sure if they continue to grow like this I will be able to wait the whole 8 weeks to put them in their run.
My question for you today is... Do I really have to wait the full 8 weeks to put them in the run with the coop?


Just thought I would add my 2 cents to your question. I have almost 40 of R2elk's chicks here. Keep them in the house for 8 weeks? NO WAY!
They were moved to my outside coop a few days ago. The coop is insulated with 2 100 watt heat lamps for warmth. Yesterday I opened the door of the coop so they could get fresh air and soak in the sun. The temp was just in the 50's but there was no wind for a change. I will be letting them out into the pen on warm days for short periods of time. By the time they are 4 weeks old most chicks want to be outside all day.

Most chicks will be fully feathered by the time they are 6 weeks old and they will no longer need a heat source. But If the weather is still cold at night I will let them have a small heat light for a few more weeks. I raise hundreds of chicks and guinea keets every year and have had good luck doing it this way.

Red horse ranch, thank you, your post was very helpful indeed. My chicks are not quite two weeks old but was really worried how I might be able to keep them inside an entire 8 weeks. I hope to be able to do as you suggested around 4-5 weeks.
Thanks R2elk. We couldn't ask for a more beautiful day to celebrate Easter. Not a cloud in the sky or a wind blowing. Everything is green and the birds are singing.



Hard frost followed by sunshine this morning. Glad I picked the asparagus yesterday. It was delicious!! The cherry and plum trees and the currants are blooming and the new bees are in their hives.

Hope Everyone has a wonderful day!!

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