Wyoming Unite!!!!

Hi! I'm a new chicken keeper from Cheyenne. I got my first chickens in March and I'm addicted. I have 16 as of today. I just got four little Welsummers today and these poor little girls are so skittish. They've never been handled. I give them about a week till they realize that they've hit the chicken jackpot, lol! My little flock is a bit spoiled! Besides the Welsummers, I have a Buff Orpington, Silver-laced Wyandotte, White-crested Black Polish, three Easter Eggers, Cochin, Autralorp-Cochin mix, three Barred Rocks, and a Partridge in a pear tree! (Partridge rock
) I'm actuallyll in town where it's not legal, yet, but shhhh....don't tell anybody, lol! My neighbors love them. All the neighborhood kids love them. I made sure to choose friendly breeds and socialize them well so if an extra kid or two shows up in my yard to hug a chicken, it's perfectly fine! Sorry to write a book, just excited to find a place to talk chicken!
Hi! I'm a new chicken keeper from Cheyenne. I got my first chickens in March and I'm addicted. I have 16 as of today. I just got four little Welsummers today and these poor little girls are so skittish. They've never been handled. I give them about a week till they realize that they've hit the chicken jackpot, lol! My little flock is a bit spoiled! Besides the Welsummers, I have a Buff Orpington, Silver-laced Wyandotte, White-crested Black Polish, three Easter Eggers, Cochin, Autralorp-Cochin mix, three Barred Rocks, and a Partridge in a pear tree! (Partridge rock
) I'm actuallyll in town where it's not legal, yet, but shhhh....don't tell anybody, lol! My neighbors love them. All the neighborhood kids love them. I made sure to choose friendly breeds and socialize them well so if an extra kid or two shows up in my yard to hug a chicken, it's perfectly fine! Sorry to write a book, just excited to find a place to talk chicken!

Good luck with your chickens.
Glad you could join us!

We promise not to give away your secret.

It sounds like you have a very nice variety of birds. It also sounds like you're a victim of chicken math already (They multiply when you aren't paying attention)

I have more than 30 chickens and only 1 or 2 of each breed. So everywhere you look around my place you will see something different. I also have 15 guineas of different colors and a pair of blue slate turkeys. I live near Buffalo and my hobby is hatching and raising young poultry.
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Grrrr! Just had the worst broody experience ever. My granddaughter's favorite chicken went broody last month, and she STAYED broody. I no longer have any roosters and Katie was upset that we had no fertile eggs. So, being the indulgent grandparents that we are, we ordered 12. We got 15. One was eliminated after several days because it was developing an odor.

Well, only one egg hatched. "Scout" hatched either late Tuesday night or early Wednesday morning, then spent part of yesterday trying to die. I wouldn't let him, and now he's back in with Mom, doing fine as of last night. All of the other 13 eggs were worthless. Water candled them and there was absolutely nothing so they were tossed. Agatha can now focus on mothering her only chick.

So here's my question. I know some of you are in the Powell/Cody area. If this happens again, I'd prefer to get local eggs rather than shipped, given the outcome this time. So is there anyone who would be willing to either swap equal numbers of fertilized eggs for some of my unfertilized ones, or sell me some fertile eggs if the time comes? I'll pick them up. Thanks!
Sorry you had such a disappointing hatch. If you ever come across the mountains to Buffalo, I always have fertile eggs. With over 30 hens and usually 5 to 7 roosters, I can guarantee they are good.

I've never gotten shipped eggs but I very rarely hear of anyone getting good results from them. Fertile eggs should be handled carefully and I don't think the PO is known for that.

Hope you can find a local source. That's always the best option although you may not get the exact breed you would like.
You are both AWESOME! This hatch meant the world to 8 year old Katie, who has mild autism and has adopted Agatha the Easter Egger as her very own chicken. Glad to know you are both so willing to share! Now, let's just hope nobody else goes broody until SUMMER!

Look at that face -

"Scout" poked his head up from Mom's wing and just as quickly popped it back down. But I caught Katie just as she looked up at me and said, "Oh, I saw him!"
Grrrr! Just had the worst broody experience ever. My granddaughter's favorite chicken went broody last month, and she STAYED broody. I no longer have any roosters and Katie was upset that we had no fertile eggs. So, being the indulgent grandparents that we are, we ordered 12. We got 15. One was eliminated after several days because it was developing an odor.

Well, only one egg hatched. "Scout" hatched either late Tuesday night or early Wednesday morning, then spent part of yesterday trying to die. I wouldn't let him, and now he's back in with Mom, doing fine as of last night. All of the other 13 eggs were worthless. Water candled them and there was absolutely nothing so they were tossed. Agatha can now focus on mothering her only chick.

So here's my question. I know some of you are in the Powell/Cody area. If this happens again, I'd prefer to get local eggs rather than shipped, given the outcome this time. So is there anyone who would be willing to either swap equal numbers of fertilized eggs for some of my unfertilized ones, or sell me some fertile eggs if the time comes? I'll pick them up. Thanks!
If you're ever in the Casper area I would be happy to supply you with Wyandotte eggs.
Thank you as well, CashandTracy. We have to go to Casper a lot because Ken is in the Grand Line and a lot of his Masonic functions and meetings are there. I will certainly keep your kind offer in mind as well!

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