YA KNOW d@%n rabbits!

*2 shorties: Our house bun once ate thro HALF of all the stereo eq. cords-- breaking the circuit. We figured out the 'noise' in the wiring was bugging his ears even when the stuff was off!!! AND DH said we were havin' rabbit stew for dinner (NOT!). DH is a auto techie-- once at the shop he goes to work on this car they'd just brought in -- Opens the hood & finds himself staring at a big RATTLESNAKE curled up on the air filter!!! YIKES!! DH HATES SNAKES-- anykind. . . I can't remember WHAT they did, but no doubt one of guys had a way to dispatch it. Just not my guy!!
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My sister had the same problem with rabbits chewing on the car wiring. Her yard is full of them and she hates to go outside and commune with nature, so they have taken over the yard. One day she went out to start her car and it ...wouldn't! The mechanic said that it was probably the rabbits. She doesn't really see many squirrels and rabbits do like to chew on EVERYTHING. That was a couple of years ago and she hasn't had a problem since. I'm pretty sure that she didn't do anything to discourage them, either. They just never repeated that particular trick again.

I would think that you could buy some kind of animal scent in a hunting store that would make a rabbit think that a bobcat was on the property or something! Good Luck! I would think that this could get really expensive if the bunnies don't find something else to gnaw on.
d.k :

*Yeah, so-- Give em Something Else to nibble, maybe?? Like, uh, ummm, well maybe, uh-- how about. . . Gee!! There's gotta be SOMETHING non-foody!!

Erg d.k. - why cause pain and worse if a simple repellent could work? It is not always necessary to put a thumbtack in the wall with a sledgehammer.


offers some ideas. I don't know if they work - never had a bunny problem. Wish I'd see more bunnies around here, actually. At dusk they used to lounge around in the driveway in abundance - it was amusing. Then something changed and I don't see them anymore. I don't know what happened.
* Ah -Too True, but where's the fun in that?? Besides- my truck is 2O yrs old; still don't fancy it smellin' like cooking bobcat pee when it gets warmed up, ya know??
oh-- and maybe the guy from birdnutz area moved to Jersey?
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d.k :

* Ah -Too True, but where's the fun in that?? Besides- my truck is 2O yrs old; still don't fancy it smellin' like cooking bobcat pee when it gets warmed up, ya know??

I'm with you on that! (we need a smiley that's holding his nose). So folks, if the repellent you use is a predator urine (and there are other options), just apply in the vicinity of the vehicle/engine so the bun buns don't even want to venture inside and so the stuff doesn't get warmed up via direct application to engine parts that get toasty when the car is running!
My DH went out yestersay to fix the car.Lo and behold the rabbit was in there again! Dog almost got him this time.It was in there getting another snack. He ate through 2 wires and was working on another one. We moved the car out back for now,but if it snows we'll never get it out. We are thinking about moth ball in mesh bags hung from some of the wiring. As far away from the motor as we can get them. Do you think that would work? Yeah I'm not real interested in warm urine smell in my car. Did that once with a skunk I hit. Blood meal sounds good. I'm not sure I can find any right now. Plus can you picture my dogs running around licking the stuff up ? If I can find some I'll try it.
Ya know, I was just thinking-- HOW BAD has the winter been in your area that this bunny is reduced to eating auto parts anyhow?? Also, COULD he be a domestic that somebody turned out?? Wild buns don't usually get this desperate and don't hang around long when there's a dog around either.

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