Yard Size Ordinance


In the Brooder
Mar 22, 2022
Hello everyone!

(Simi Valley, CA) I'm wondering if anyone has experience with a similar situation. My city doesn't allow chickens outside of 'farm animal' zones, with the exception of those under a 'hen project' ordinance. The ordinance allows up to 6 hens on at least an 8,000 sqft property if the owner is involved in an educational class/group (ie. 4H).

I'd like to get 2 hens as pets, but my lot is 7,000 sqft so too small for the ordinance. The house borders on a handful of 'farm animal' zoned properties but is zoned residential.

Has anyone petitioned their city to allow chickens in a similar situation? I fear that since they've already passed one ordinance regarding them they won't want to allow any space less than that.

Thank you!!
Just my thoughts,,, and I'm not in California.
If you are not required to get a permit, to show to the Migra, if they come visit, then just get your pets, and say nothing.
If they get all bunched up in their panties, just petition for a variance for your property. and ask the #$%%@#$$&&^%$ why your children in 4H are being deprived!!!

WISHING YOU BEST,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,and :welcome
With property on the border of "farm animal" property, I think it would be highly unlikely that a complaint and investigation would happen. Calculated risk.

I am pretty sure that I am not "in code" on any level. But like you, I border Ag land. Not one word has been said. Another neighbor with closer proximity to neighbor and not in code, still has their small flock.

Good luck.
Hello. I just joined and was wondering if there were others in Simi Valley with chickens on these forums. Did you start your flock?

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