Yeah...I think I'm funny.


9 Years
Apr 28, 2010
He left us Oct. 2006. Filed for divorce Oct. 2009. Pre-trial hearing set for Feb. 10, 2011. Trial date yet to be established but coming to a **** Court house near you. Should I bring "CONGRATULATIONS!!" mylar balloons to my trial and some confetti poppers and whistle blowers???
Hold off on the balloons mapes.

That's just two days away. Oh my,

I'll be leaving that day for WA, to give MIL hugs, cuz FIL died.
Then we bring home all her furniture.

I wish you and girls the best.
poop boo....that's not very funny.

ok, so...I hug you and you hug mil and hubby and tell 'em "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." That's what keeps me going.

It's not the "official" trial in 2 days...just the know, another way for lawyers and judges to drag things on and get paid all these extra days for "pre" everythings....but the actual trial will be soon...hopefully done before the end of Feb. all think I'm serious or somethin? I just like the thought of mylar balloons in the divorce part of the court house. I can visualize and giggle. I think you all must have taken a serious pill or something.

Here.... see if this helps....

Hey, I think you should bring a date, and make sure the date tells you that he will see you tonight. That will really chap his britches. I thought the balloons was a good idea, but wait for the final hearing. Decorate your car with them. Instead of "JUST MARRIED" you can put "FREE AT LAST" on the windows.
Nuh uh boo! I said it right.

oh Imps
hugs.gif'd ya fit all that in your car?

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