It's too late. I'm like that drunk self appointed representative at parties when the cops show up.... you know, the guy that Jeff Foxworthy speaks of..
This whole exchange has been fun to read for my afternoon check-in! I nearly lost the half glass of sweat tea in the process... such a fun group
I take it you don't plan to keep roosters at all?

Try getting a good "profile" pic of them, and I can probably tell you. Something from the side - maybe slightly above - that will show me their saddle and/or hackle feathers. I can see most of their combs from the photos you already posted, but with the differences in breeds, and the fact that your hens also seem to have red in their combs already, it's already hard to tell based on that.
I have not decided on roosters yet. I know you only need 1 as it causes issues if you have more. I will try and take more pictures this weekend.
Just letting everyone know I'm okay. My sister didn't pay her internet bill this month, so it has been shut off. I just finished spending my paycheck on chicken supplies, so I can't get it cut back on. Who knows when she will do it though!

So here's where the new pens are right now. It's blazing hot outside, so I did this one side to show my nieces and nephews, and then we all went inside. I sat in the cool air for a bit before going back out to snap the photo.

Since it's welded wire, the PVC supports the wire as much as the wire supports the PVC. It's attached with simple zip ties. Three sides will be like this, while the fourth will have a door. None of the PVC is glued together at the moment, because I am going to cut one side and add in Tee connectors and an extra vertical piece for a door way. But I don't have that pipe yet. My brother said he would probably get it this weekend. But the wire is zip-tied on sides, top, and bottom, so it's holding the PVC together on that side for now, if only by tension.

I'm probably going to cut three full sides tomorrow, and just attach them as-is for now. I need to give the ducks and geese their own pen, to stop the others from getting out when I let the ducks and geese out to graze. And this pen will be light enough that until the door is installed, I can just lift one corner to put them in, or lift an entire side to let them out of it.

On the pens that hold babies or broody hens, I'll add chicken wire to the bottom to make the spacing tighter. But the welded wire is most important because my main goal right now is to keep predators OUT. The spacing is still small enough to keep bantam hens in (I tested it with one of my wants-to-be-held-all-the-time bantams and it worked). And I'm still declaring myself done until next year, so I'll worry about escaping babies later. Right now, as long as nothing can get IN the pen, I'll be happy.
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BONUS: My neighbor just gave me a suggestion for these pens that I'm almost definitely going to use. Fricking awesome idea.

The PVC is, like I mentioned before, also held up by the welded wire. The two support each other. But the entire pen is going to be light weight, and very easy to move. I thought about putting sand in the PVC to make it heavier once the woods are cleared out, so stronger predators can't lift it up and go underneath. But the neighbor just saved the day with a whole different idea!

The PVC is all connected and open to each other. But they will be sealed off from the open air when I glue them to hold the pen together. So he suggested a valve on one of the top corners, and a drain on one of the bottom corners. That way, I can fill it up with water when I want it to stay put, and drain it when it's time to move it!


Heavy enough to keep predators from moving it, but light enough that we can move it around the yard. This man has some great ideas, I swear!

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