Ok, thanks, Yesterday I made a run in our fenced woods for daytime use, today I'll put a better top on it. I think something was in the woods last night. This morning the dog was running all over the place looking for something that he smelled. He's a good watch dog and he likes keeping the rooster company. I wonder what it was, raccoon, opossum, are coyotes talented enough to climb fences?
Hey everybody. It is Eric and hope a few of your remember me. HA! I haven't been able to find this group for a while. They changed everything and I finally figured out how to find it this morning. HAHA! I saw the predator messages and I remember when I had all the bantam cochins back in the day I would watch chicken hawks bounce off the chicken wire I had over the runs. It found a small gap doing that once and made it through but thankfully it was my only LF AM and that rooster tore that little chicken hawk up. I used zip ties to close up some gaps and didn't know back then they would break after a few years. So I started using the ones with metal inside. The runs I have now are partially wood and have hardware cloth and some of the big hawks will still hit them and it sounds like someone hit them with a bat.
Yikes!!! That sounds pretty scary. This wayward rooster that has wandered into our lives is a pet. He comes up on our porch with me and the dog and just enjoys the company. He calmly preens and doesn't care about the dog (big golden retriever) and the dog doesn't care about him. They've been nose to nose a couple times. I've asked a few neighbors if they know where the rooster could have come from. Nobody knows. He's still hanging around. I'm still putting him in my garage at night. He's definitely a friendly bird. Yesterday I saw another rooster run through the side of our property with dogs chasing him. My rooster, (I guess I'll call him "My rooster") hollered out a warning and high tailed it to the back of the house where he hid. My dog was barking his head off at the other dogs, and then they were all gone.
I've heard that other rooster far, far away. I even went to those people and asked if they were missing a rooster. Nobody wants to claim him. Anyway, he's putting on a little weight and his long tail feathers are starting to come in. He looks very handsome. We're going to make a house on stilts, like a treehouse without using trees and the first story will be the chicken coop and run and roosting house. So the roof of the chicken coop will be the floor for the treehouse. I found someone to help with the 6x6 posts, now if it would stop raining maybe we could get started. Until then I have a nice pen with a tarp roof for daytime and the garage for nighttime.
Cedartown, Ga.... 30 minutes south of Rome Ga.
Carrollton GA here! What birds do you raise?

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