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My boyfriend and I just butchered 3 roosters for the first time 2 days ago. They weren't ours, but raised on a farm not too far from us (10 roosters for $30, not too bad lol).
I told a few people, most of them had already butchered their own so they were pretty proud of the fact that we did it. My 1 brother on the other hand, almost threw up when I told him lol! It's not even the butchering part that he finds gross, he has this warped idea that anything you buy in a grocery store is far healthier than anything you grow or butcher yourself. He even refuses to eat a jar of my home canned spaghetti sauce (which has no meat in it) because I grew the vegetables myself!
Too many people these days are so removed from the food they eat, that anything you could possibly do yourself is seen as foul or dangerous!
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I don't. Though I've heard that plenty of times.

I can't bring myself to kill an animal. I have issues with fainting and would be an emotional wreck and so far haven't been too pressed on the issue.

I'm very good about plucking and dressing and parting a chicken or turkey. And I can feed and water and tend an animal. But I still haven't killed one.

I believe I deserve to eat meat even with this particular shortcoming.

I also haven't done the killing part yet (my boyfriend does that), but I pluck, gut and process the carcass. I feel like I should try to kill one myself, but just don't feel confident enough yet (I don't want to mess is up). I do think that people should have to see the process of a chicken being butchered so that they can fully appriciate the fact that what they are putting in their mouths was an animal that had to die so that they can live.
I don't think his OP is harmed in any way by his exaggerations. It's pretty obvious he was using hyperbole and wan't out to establish an argument for debate.

OP, you have my sympathies and I had a good laugh at your opening post. We get similar reactions from friends when we tell them we raise EAT. Some folks simply don't know where their food comes from, and some can't imagine having an animal that isn't a "pet".


Well, since the OP had meant it to be fact since he read it in a book but has since reconsidered using the fact since the author seemed biased, perhaps he doesn't need you to tell him that he meant his post as hyperbole when he didn't? And since I wrote a very long post explaining why this sort of distortion isn't helpful, and he wrote another post saying that what I wrote made sense to him, you'd be better off reading the whole thread before commenting?
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I free range Cornish x and we had neighbors over for dinner. They could not believe how good the birds were and asked were we got them. My wife started laughing so hard because of the look I was giving them. I finally said we have over 60 laying hens outside right now running around and another 20 are meat birds, we got the chicken from out back!

They were shocked that they were eating one of the cute little chickens that they said they loved to look at from their windows. (we live in a rural area on a 5 acre homestead.)...... it took about 5 more minutes before my neighbors wife got a look of horror on her face (She was till eating chicken btw) and asked "Wait.... why exactly do you all have that cute little lamb with your milking goats?" (they get goats milk from us along with their eggs) I explained that we got a good deal on a lamb and plan to have roast lamb this Christmas. She was so shocked.

About this time her husband finally speaks... "this is some of the best chicken I have had since my dad used to keep meat birds, how much do you charge for a fully dressed bird and can we come over for Christmas dinner? we can make the mint jelly"

Needless to say we have become friends and they regularly buy meat, eggs, milk, and are planning to come over for roast lamb this Christmas.
Well, since the OP had meant it to be fact since he read it in a book but has since reconsidered using the fact since the author seemed biased, perhaps he doesn't need you to tell him that he meant his post as hyperbole when he didn't? And since I wrote a very long post explaining why this sort of distortion isn't helpful, and he wrote another post saying that what I wrote made sense to him, you'd be better off reading the whole thread before commenting?
I did read the whole thing. That's how I came the conclusion that his hyperbole was pretty obvious. I'm sure your very long post makes sense to alot of people, even to me in a specific context. Thanks for your insight and concern about my thread-reading.
I did read the whole thing. That's how I came the conclusion that his hyperbole was pretty obvious. I'm sure your very long post makes sense to alot of people, even to me in a specific context. Thanks for your insight and concern about my thread-reading.

You are certainly welcome, and I'm glad that you find some context where you found my long post helpful, even if you can't see where it applies to your daily life. And thank you for explaining to me what hyperbole was, I never would have understood it on my own. Silly me, I thought that when the person who wrote the post meant to give stats from a book he read, it wasn't hyperbole! I will take my English and statistics degrees and slink off with my tail between my legs, I'm sure.
You are certainly welcome, and I'm glad that you find some context where you found my long post helpful, even if you can't see where it applies to your daily life. And thank you for explaining to me what hyperbole was, I never would have understood it on my own. Silly me, I thought that when the person who wrote the post meant to give stats from a book he read, it wasn't hyperbole! I will take my English and statistics degrees and slink off with my tail between my legs, I'm sure.
Oh, no reason to tuck tail, etc.. It can happen to anyone.
You're very welcome for the explanation just the same.

LOL, this is kind of funny - You can't really mes sit up hun. Its going to end up dead eather way!
True dat. Allysia1990 (I hope I have the right person referenced), there are several ways to dispatch, and they all lead to the same end. Of the various ways I've done it or seen it done, I'd have to say the easiest is the old-fashioned use of the hatchet (unless you have several all at once, perhaps).
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