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Thanks, that explains a lot and makes sense; but then makes me wonder why some people use a hatchet, and others just wring the neck and kill them first.

Different people and different religions and different cultures and different traditions have very different opinions about poultry processing. And the person doing it has to do what works for them.

Science suggests a killing cone helps calm the bird from being upside down and being gently squeezed. This means less stress immediately before death, which means nicer meat. The cone helps reduce thrashing which helps reduce bruising damage to the meat. A thorough bleed out produces better meat. So ...

It isn't that hard to pull the head off a meat bird, but I don't know any advantage of doing it that way beyond personal preference.
I killed the first two roosters from my flock yesterday and the reactions from people upon hearing this have been amazing! First they snarl and wrinkle their noses, then they say "really?!" if they can't believe that I would eat a real chicken, one that had been alive!!! One lady was actually afraid that I would get sick! Two people tried to buy them before I killed them, to save their lives. All of these people eat chicken!!! Has the whole world gone crazy? They don't seem to realize that chicken comes from chickens, and they don't seem to mind that the stuff they eat was messily mechanically gutted and soaked in a vat of fecal soup with 500 other mechanically gutted carcasses and absorbed 20% of its body weight from that fecal soup.

They seem appalled that I would eat a chicken that I raised! They would rather some invisible stranger raise them in an invisible place and deliver them in a box, neatly wrapped in buttermilk batter, no questions asked. Has the whole world gone crazy? Are you guys getting this reaction from people as well, or is it only me?

I could write pages about this phenomenon and my rantings about it. Like you I am completely baffled and left thinking the world has turned upside down or we are now living in an alternative universe. It's just been in the past 10-15 yrs that this prevalent attitude has arisen and in just the past 5 has reached sand paper on my raw nerves proportions. It's almost as if all people have watched the same TV program or read the same website~because I know they don't read books any longer~and are speaking from a carefully memorized script when they say the things they say when they find out you kill your own animals and eat them. It's definitely weird that that many people say the exact same thing when presented with this there some drug in the water that causes all of them to use the same phrasing, facial expressions and also the same excuses for why they still eat meat~ the meat that has had the most cruel life and death of all? Or do they think that meat they are eating just died peacefully of old age at the chicken retirement home at Sunny Acres after a long, sweet life playing in the grass?

Yes, it is because so many say they are too "soft hearted" to do that or they could "never do that" that I too question their right to eat meat. Anyone with that level of hypocrisy shouldn't be allowed to taste meat, dairy or eggs out of sheer principle. If they were vegan I wouldn't even question their saying what they could never do or are too soft hearted to do, but when they heartlessly chow down on commercially raised meats and animal products, not giving a flying fling about the conditions in which those animals were raised and how they died, then have the audacity, the sheer unmitigated gall to question the level of compassion in my heart because I kill my own food animals, that I feel the need to rip that chicken wing out of their teeth and yank them down from their soft seat on that high, high horse, drag them by their heels into a broiler house and roll them around in the dead chickens in the litter there until they come to their senses.

There, ChickenMan, I'll face that firing squad along with you. No, you aren't alone and yes, the world has gone crazy.
I could write pages about this phenomenon and my rantings about it. Like you I am completely baffled and left thinking the world has turned upside down or we are now living in an alternative universe. It's just been in the past 10-15 yrs that this prevalent attitude has arisen and in just the past 5 has reached sand paper on my raw nerves proportions. It's almost as if all people have watched the same TV program or read the same website~because I know they don't read books any longer~and are speaking from a carefully memorized script when they say the things they say when they find out you kill your own animals and eat them. It's definitely weird that that many people say the exact same thing when presented with this there some drug in the water that causes all of them to use the same phrasing, facial expressions and also the same excuses for why they still eat meat~ the meat that has had the most cruel life and death of all? Or do they think that meat they are eating just died peacefully of old age at the chicken retirement home at Sunny Acres after a long, sweet life playing in the grass?

Yes, it is because so many say they are too "soft hearted" to do that or they could "never do that" that I too question their right to eat meat. Anyone with that level of hypocrisy shouldn't be allowed to taste meat, dairy or eggs out of sheer principle. If they were vegan I wouldn't even question their saying what they could never do or are too soft hearted to do, but when they heartlessly chow down on commercially raised meats and animal products, not giving a flying fling about the conditions in which those animals were raised and how they died, then have the audacity, the sheer unmitigated gall to question the level of compassion in my heart because I kill my own food animals, that I feel the need to rip that chicken wing out of their teeth and yank them down from their soft seat on that high, high horse, drag them by their heels into a broiler house and roll them around in the dead chickens in the litter there until they come to their senses.

There, ChickenMan, I'll face that firing squad along with you. No, you aren't alone and yes, the world has gone crazy.
I don't. Though I've heard that plenty of times.

I can't bring myself to kill an animal. I have issues with fainting and would be an emotional wreck and so far haven't been too pressed on the issue.

I'm very good about plucking and dressing and parting a chicken or turkey. And I can feed and water and tend an animal. But I still haven't killed one.

I believe I deserve to eat meat even with this particular shortcoming.
Sensitivity is not a shortcoming. It reflects your respect for the life that gives us life. I don't believe anyone could pluck a chicken and deny that it is real. I wouldn't force my daughter to cut a chicken's throat before allowing her to eat meat, but I do try to instill in her a respect for what it means to eat meat.
I don't think his OP is harmed in any way by his exaggerations. It's pretty obvious he was using hyperbole and wan't out to establish an argument for debate.

I read this part and stopped, opened a new tab, and chromegooglefied hyperbole. "Yes," I said, switched tabs and continued reading...


Then I saw the link! HA! Perfect. The chicken man learned a new word today.

English is my first language, but it's a real "mother" so I'm still learning. (I guess that's why colleges offer English degrees to folks who grew up speaking the language.) In defense of WalkingOnSunshine, I was not intentionally exaggerating, so he might win the case if we were to reopen the court, but the court has already been adjourned. As the OP, I will offer a final option for resolution of the argument. It shall be settled by tickling without mercy, until one shall scream "MOM, I CAN'T BREATHE!" and the winner shall be entitled to deliver one full wedgie, with one hand, and shall be allowed the option of a noogie with the free hand.
Beekissed I feel your frustration. My brother is one of those people who are completely brain washed! I posted on facebook that for Christmas I wanted to have one of my roosters for dinner that I have raised and he said he didn't even want to come to my house if it was going to be there! I also posted a comment on how a few of my flock have bumble foot and that I was treating it, so he says "Just another reason to eat store bought chicken". I have tried explaining to him the horrors that these poor birds go through yet he doesn't seem to be phased.
I do not understand how we come from the same family lol! He must be the milk man's baby haha
Beekissed I feel your frustration. My brother is one of those people who are completely brain washed! I posted on facebook that for Christmas I wanted to have one of my roosters for dinner that I have raised and he said he didn't even want to come to my house if it was going to be there! I also posted a comment on how a few of my flock have bumble foot and that I was treating it, so he says "Just another reason to eat store bought chicken". I have tried explaining to him the horrors that these poor birds go through yet he doesn't seem to be phased.
I do not understand how we come from the same family lol! He must be the milk man's baby haha

I've got several in my family too...and we were raised on a homestead, killing our own food and eating the animals we named right along. Now they are older and some brain eating bacteria has invaded the cerebral space and animals are just too good for eating now....unless, of course, they come under cellophane. For my family, I think it's just sheer laziness.... and they cover it with the excuse that they just "couldn't" kill their own chickens, pigs, beef, etc because of being too "soft hearted". It's as good excuse as any to get out of taking responsibility for your meat consumption when you have the food animals living right in the back yard...right on hand...there for the eating. Just takes a little more work than buying it from the store.
I would say it is laziness, but considering I offered to give him some and he still says no, goes against the laziness factor. He won't even eat my jam or spaghetti sauces. I mean, what could be bad about jam?!
I don't know, sometimes I wonder if he thinks carrots grow on trees lol
I would say it is laziness, but considering I offered to give him some and he still says no, goes against the laziness factor. He won't even eat my jam or spaghetti sauces. I mean, what could be bad about jam?!

I don't know, sometimes I wonder if he thinks carrots grow on trees lol

It's kind of scary to think about what is going on in some people's head, huh? I sure don't get it.
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