You have got to be kidding me!!

I don't even understand why it's a story. If you steal, you get arrested. You can't take a child to jail. Child goes to children services. It happens every day. Why is this one making national news.
Accidents happen and people should pony up for the damages. My kids have in the past when very young broke things in the store and I paid for them.

Yes, and it sounds like they offered to cover the cost of said sandwich, ie. damages.​
The bottom line is that you simply cant go around stores eating sandwiches that you have NOT paid for yet and expect to walk away with problems.
She DID eat the sandwich before she paid for it..that IS stealing and very tacky also.
It also figures that she expects to be able to sue the store... pure scum in my opinion.
SURE she offerend to pay for the sandwiches AFTER she got caught, who wouldnt, to cover their butt?

And this is why our country is going down the toilet... everyone is entitled and takes no personal responsibility for THEIR actions...and then they find scum bag lawyers to sue for them....
The bottom line for me is that most people are going to recognize an overreaction when they see one. Unless further details come out, that is what this smacks me as. Apologizing for a mistake and offering to fix it (ie. pay for sandwich) can be a sign of personal responsibility. It can also be a scam/empty reaction to avoid punishment. Unless there is a past history, a level-headed approach is generally the one recommended for a fair-minded person to take. If the couple are scum for seeking a lawsuit...oof, definitely do *not* look into corporate or business lawsuits.
I kind of just wanted to throw in that there isnt really anything they could sue the market for.

protocall states that they have to prosecute shoplifters. There are signs all over stores saying as much.
every shoplifter says they "forgot".

we dont know that she wasnt going to try and get away with it.

we know that she got caught not paying period.
I also highly doubt that spending one night in CPS is going to ruin that kid for life. this is the kind of thing drunken family reunion stories are made of!
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Tis true...
Again, the bottom line is; it IS illegal to open a product and eat it in a store before you pay for it...And she knew that, but thought herself above those laws.
The problem I see with that is, that is not a store policy held anywhere I have ever shopped.. there are no rules, no signs, no nothing to make a person think they *can't* have a sandwich if for whatever reason they want/need a sandwich. Expecting to hand over the empty container when they get to the checkout to pay for it means that a lot of people aren't going to see it as wrong. I don't feel bad when I drink pop in the store and pay for it when empty and done shopping, because no employee has ever made me feel bad for doing so.
The law quoted by someone in the comments under the news article states that crossing the threshhold of the door with an unpaid for item is what it takes to be theft, and furthermore they have to prove intent to steal?? Like innocent until proven guilty.

It's kind of like saying it's stealing to eat in a restaurant without paying the bill up front. I think pretty much everyone eats their food first. It's not illegal until they hop out the bathroom window or bolt out the door at a run
But if you were just going to your car because you forgot your purse, most waitstaff would wait for you or accompany you to your car. I did just that once when I was a waitress.. and the family gave me an extra $5 on the tip for the extra 2 minutes it took me to be nice.

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