You know it windy when...


11 Years
Feb 23, 2008
Bolton, NC
You're frizzle cochin looks like a regular chicken...

Her feathers are laying down flat it's so windy here.

We were under a Tornado Warning. Now it's just a watch. The chickens think it's an awesome time to run around. I'm holing up in the house waiting for inevitable power outage.

How are all my Central to Coastal Carolinians doing?
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Laarge hail and tornados headed into Wake county. Cary and Raleigh in line. Holly springs hit. VERY bad right now. Holly springs has been distroyed acording to someone on the phone.
Headed right to my house.
I just finished my coop!!!!!!!!!
My mil's garage, several trees, some fence and back screen door got hit with a tornado in Fayetteville. The Goodyear plant down the road has a huge hole in it. And the high-school down the road has damage to its fields.
Yeah Raleigh will bo off line for a while. This was a really bad storm. We dogded the bullet, here at home. We still have power and more don't than do. I'm counting my blessings.

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