You know it's time to clean house when.......

It used to be an hour before company was due to show up, now it's three days. Same thing for dressing up for a
big party. Cleaning hint: Open all your doors and fire up the leaf blower.
When you can lay on the floor and make dust angels in the carpet.
The solution: Never turn the fans off

yeah but how does all that uck stick to it when it is still going

When you go to turn on the ceiling fan and it won't move cuz it's clogged with dust.

Believe it or not, I have a friend who cleaned houses and quit one job because the Lawyer , a woman, was such a slob.

answer: When the cleaning lady quits.
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when the proper tools for the job include
Steel blade scrapers
A grinder
A shovel
A wheelbarrow
A pickup truck
You have to hop from floor patch to tiny floor patch so you don't step on anything

You have a floordrobe instead of a wardrobe

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