You know you are "Country" when...

:gig I put on a shirt the other day that had only been worn once, only to find out that it had several streaks of sneaky chicken poop on the front that had previously gone unnoticed. In case you were wondering, it was the super runny and gritty kind. :sick


Oh, gross! No wonder they had to invent that dating website:
I believe the more poop and filth consumed the better the immune system, that in my opinion is why there is so many allergies and resistance to antibiotics, we need to give our children more poop and dirt, and I do believe I read where they are transplanting poop into people's stomach to help build immunity, think it was in discovery magazine.

ROFL ....only Hicks would be discussing feeding our kids poop on purpose :D

I think mine get like, a pound a month, easy... They will be superhero like immune ha-ha..

I trybto get sick and can't seem to....

I've been vaccinated though... For Bangs and scours for sure...anthrax... Definitely exposed to billions of microbes and bacteria...

Oh and hey yeah...oldhenlikesdogs, they do use different kinds of bacteria to even clean up toxic sludge!!!! Using poop to clean up poop!

Grandpa used to say that lively smell coming from the feedyards was the "Smell of money"... ;)
Lol seriously??? Wow!

I was thinking that throughout the ages, the women of the family have been the ones changing diapers, nursing the sick, dressing wounds and changing bandages, acting as midwives, emptying chamber pots, scrubbing floors, cleaning up all kinds of filth, and then using those same contaminated hands to prepare the meals. I guess if the ladies didn't kill off their families with all those germs getting on the food they built their family's immunities.

See?!?!?! We are saving the world, one poopy hick at a time :D
YES!!! "Gross" is an understatement of epic proportions. I could literally write a book on all the dirty outdoor/farm "things" my toddler has shoved into his mouth before I had a chance to stop him. Pretty sure city kids could never survive half this stuff. Well, at least we country folk can laugh at ourselves and then breathe easy knowing we've probably been exposed to every vile germ known to man and are great candidates to survive a biological attack... haha!
Poor kid.....I gave him a dead moth to play with today.
Of course, when I offered it to him, you would have thought it was the most fabulous toy ever by the way he reacted! Aren't I just so kind to my little brother?
Only country kids would consider a dried up insect to be a source of endless entertainment. And the best part is, TBird thought it was an awesome idea!

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They've got the eyesight to see all the interesting bits that turn a moth from a flapping bug into an animal with moving parts.
Poor kid.....I gave him a dead moth to play with today.
Of course, when I offered it to him, you would have thought it was the most fabulous toy ever by the way he reacted! Aren't I just so kind to my little brother?
Only country kids would consider a dried up insect to be a source of endless entertainment. And the best part is, TBird thought it was an awesome idea!

I'm truly surprised he didn't eat it!

Ah, from the mouth of my 5 year old, "They are such exquisite creatures..."

Don't ask lol
Exquisite, tasty creatures, perhaps??? Hey, it's protein! Besides, I'm pretty sure moths are far healthier (and probably better tasting) than most of the "food" sold in grocery stores.

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