You know you are "Country" when...

When you can use a shotgun for nuisance birds in the sheds.

When you can walk outside naked, and no one calls the cops.

When you do your grocery shopping every two weeks.
Same here. Why go into town any more than you absolutely have to???

When you understand the natural cycle of things, and allow nature be nature.
When you can use a shotgun for nuisance birds in the sheds.

When you can walk outside naked, and no one calls the cops.

When you do your grocery shopping every two weeks.

When you understand the natural cycle of things, and allow nature be nature.

Guilty on all counts.... And love it, wouldn't change my semi clothed bond with my grassy knoll for anything... My kids are guilty too ;)

When you use the baby sling to snuggle your chicks and ducklings, then throw the sling in the washing machine just before the next baby arrives. :idunno

When your husband stuffs a preemie diaper with tissues, then duct tapes it around the corner of the computer desk so your toddler won't bang his head on it. :he

When your toddler's favorite "playhouse" is...gulp...the chicken coop!!! :cd

Shhhhhhh...( I used my blanching basket to gather eggs tonight was dark and I was in a hurry... It's in the dishwasher as we speak) :D

Oh my kids use an old hog pen with tin fencing for roof for one playhouse, and an old pickup bed with stock rails and old bucket seats from a junk car for the other.... I think I had a chicken in the play mailbox once too....
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I love this thread. My sister-in-law tells us all the time that we're a "bunch of hicks." I'm not ashamed to admit that she's 100% correct. As you can tell from my posts, some of the things we do around here are a little...okay, a LOT...strange!
I love this thread. My sister-in-law tells us all the time that we're a "bunch of hicks." I'm not ashamed to admit that she's 100% correct. As you can tell from my posts, some of the things we do around here are a little...okay, a LOT...strange!

And Gross!

Lately I find myself worrying about city people, who don't have our immunities, picking up some terrible disease we've tracked in on our shoes at the local rural gas station minimart.
And Gross!

Lately I find myself worrying about city people, who don't have our immunities, picking up some terrible disease we've tracked in on our shoes at the local rural gas station minimart.

After reading this thread I wash my hands before serving myself from the donut case or hotdog cooker. Sorry for double posting, I tried several times to delete it.
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I love this thread. My sister-in-law tells us all the time that we're a "bunch of hicks." I'm not ashamed to admit that she's 100% correct. As you can tell from my posts, some of the things we do around here are a little...okay, a LOT...strange!
You know what, TBird? We are a "bunch of hicks", but I'm perfectly content to say that I'm proud of it!
Now I wish I had been around to hear her state that fact. Also, I love our strangeness, because that ensures that our family is certainly far from boring.

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And Gross!

Lately I find myself worrying about city people, who don't have our immunities, picking up some terrible disease we've tracked in on our shoes at the local rural gas station minimart.

YES!!! "Gross" is an understatement of epic proportions. I could literally write a book on all the dirty outdoor/farm "things" my toddler has shoved into his mouth before I had a chance to stop him. Pretty sure city kids could never survive half this stuff. Well, at least we country folk can laugh at ourselves and then breathe easy knowing we've probably been exposed to every vile germ known to man and are great candidates to survive a biological attack... haha!
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We are hardly ever sick, my non animal keeping siblings are always sick during the winter.

You know your country when you get animal poop in your mouth and all you do is have a good spit, and when you get poop on your hands and you just wipe them on your pants.
We are hardly ever sick, my non animal keeping siblings are always sick during the winter.

You know your country when you get animal poop in your mouth and all you do is have a good spit, and when you get poop on your hands and you just wipe them on your pants.

Lol I was at the dollar store checkout, and my hands were full so I used my teeth to pull open a flap on my purse, suddenly felt something bland and squishy all in my mouth, looked at my purse and saw mousey colored globs of poop on the flap,excused myself, went outside and spat a hundred times, went back in, asked for the bathroom key, washed my mouth out, came back to the bewildered cashier and told her, I'm so sorry, I got something in my mouth. I prayyyyyyed she wouldn't know some critter had pooped on my purse when I'd set it down at home.
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You know what, TBird? We are a "bunch of hicks", but I'm perfectly content to say that I'm proud of it! :clap  Now I wish I had been around to hear her state that fact. Also, I love our strangeness, because that ensures that our family is certainly far from boring. :celebrate


Well said, Alexandra33!

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