You know you are "Country" when...

You know you are country when you hollor out the back door yo your hubby, hey baby, do you want a bologna sandwich on a waffle while you fix the chicken coop?
You know you are when you gotta go really bad and you just go between a truck door and your truck in a home depot parking lot after going in and getting what you need out of the store and forgot to use the rest room ontop of wearing basketball shorts, cutoff and boots
You know you're country, when hubby is patiently waiting in the car for you on Sunday morning. But, you go out the back door to hose the chicken poop off your sneakers before going to the car so you won't track chicken poop all over the red carpet at church.

At least you rinse the poop off. We just stomp our poopy shoes in the church parking lot.

We totaled our car with a 8 point buck last fall... Went back immediately with the truck to get it and somebody had already cut off his head!
oooh made me mad! That buck cost us a car, the least I wanted was his head on my wall
Hey, I'll hit a deer for you! In 9 years, I've hit 3 and had near-misses with LOTS more. The first and worst was a month or so after I bought a brand-new car. Imagine that...
Got another one...

You know you're "country" when your toddler goes to bed snuggled up with ears of field corn, pine cones, cucumbers, and dirty carrots from the garden...NOT stuffed animals and teddy bears.
Hey loud hen
Sorry about the late reply. I'm in Laurens Co. South of Dublin if you were closer I'd get some eggs.
hey there it happens even to the best of us just keep me in mine if ya decide later down the road that ya might want some and if ya know anyone else closer to me that might want some later on as my chickens are still laying regularly even in cooler weather they started at 7 months old and still going strong i am getting 15 -18 eggs each day some days inly 12 some days the whole lot lay a clutch of 20 lol and i need buyers

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