You know you are "Country" when...

You know you're country when.....

You happen to walk outside while suffering from and cold and you realize your nose is running, but completely forgot a tissue. So, you improvise and blow your nose on a corn husk.

Your favorite time of year is the chilly months because you get to wear hoodies with pockets that serve as ideal egg baskets.

:D DH was almost drooling this morning; spotted a nice buck in the cornfield...

I'm hearing turkeys saying, "pick me, pick me, don't pick me!" ;)

Nice! My dad spotted a nice buck out of his deer stand this morning.


I totally understand this.  I was sitting in a tree an hour before sunrise on opening day of bow season.

You know you're country when.....

You happen to walk outside while suffering from and cold and you realize your nose is running, but completely forgot a tissue. So, you improvise and blow your nose on a corn husk.

Your favorite time of year is the chilly months because you get to wear hoodies with pockets that serve as ideal egg baskets.


OUCH Alex! :p my nose hurts just imagining it!

When it's freezing outside and your nose is running, so you "casually" look to make sure nobody's around you, then when the coast is clear you do a farmer blow. :lau

Now, THERE ya go lol ;)

Oh, PS, I don't farmer blow; I'm much too ladylike and dainty :D

That and the wind would just blow it right back at me and feeze it to my face; farmer blowing takes a certain knack I just don't have lol... DH, on the other hand.. I think it's a guy talent ha-ha ;)
OUCH Alex!
my nose hurts just imagining it!

Now, THERE ya go lol

Oh, PS, I don't farmer blow; I'm much too ladylike and dainty

That and the wind would just blow it right back at me and feeze it to my face; farmer blowing takes a certain knack I just don't have lol... DH, on the other hand.. I think it's a guy talent ha-ha
Believe it or not, it wasn't that bad!
Or maybe my nose is just calloused.

That mental picture is so hilarious I can't take it!

You know you're country when.....

You happen to walk outside while suffering from and cold and you realize your nose is running, but completely forgot a tissue. So, you improvise and blow your nose on a corn husk.

Your favorite time of year is the chilly months because you get to wear hoodies with pockets that serve as ideal egg baskets.


I prefer burdock leaves myself. They're big, soft, flexible, and make GREAT tissues. But in a pinch, yep, corn husks do the trick.
When it's freezing outside and your nose is running, so you "casually" look to make sure nobody's around you, then when the coast is clear you do a farmer blow. :lau

Around here, we call those "snott rockets." Whatever you choose to call them, I think most of us country folks are guilty... myself included. ;-)
OUCH Alex! :p my nose hurts just imagining it!
Now, THERE ya go lol ;)

Oh, PS, I don't farmer blow; I'm much too ladylike and dainty :D

That and the wind would just blow it right back at me and feeze it to my face; farmer blowing takes a certain knack I just don't have lol... DH, on the other hand.. I think it's a guy talent ha-ha ;)

Haha, shortgrass! I'm guessing it's more the second reason than the first. ;-)

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