You know you are "Country" when...

You know you're country, when hubby is patiently waiting in the car for you on Sunday morning. But, you go out the back door to hose the chicken poop off your sneakers before going to the car so you won't track chicken poop all over the red carpet at church.
I prefer burdock leaves myself. They're big, soft, flexible, and make GREAT tissues. But in a pinch, yep, corn husks do the trick.
Around here, we call those "snott rockets." Whatever you choose to call them, I think most of us country folks are guilty... myself included. ;-)
Haha, shortgrass! I'm guessing it's more the second reason than the first. ;-)

Ha-ha you know me, and my dainty nose, too well ;)

I don't participate in snot rockets, but winter is coming and with it comes snotcycles.

Oh I look so forward to it :p Calving is coming up; timevto make sure all my scratchy leather gloves have nice sharp edges to cut my nose draggingvit across all those "snotcycles" ROFL :D
My husband says they are only worth salvaging if the insides haven't ruptured and contaminated the meat, around here if you hit it with the vehicle it's yours if you want.
We totaled our car with a 8 point buck last fall... Went back immediately with the truck to get it and somebody had already cut off his head! :( oooh made me mad! That buck cost us a car, the least I wanted was his head on my wall :p
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