You know you are "Country" when...

LOL Yeah, when you don't have to have a toilet to pee and you would actually rather go potty outside than inside.

You will bathe in a creek/river.

You never ever lock your house.

When your dh shoots his gun to get your attention on the property.

When you are inside a store or public place and your dh whistles the 'hunters call' to you to locate you every time.

When you will go outside to do something totally in the nude.

When your dh makes you jewelry out of horse hair and vines.

When you drink milk straight from the udder.

When folks talk about a blackberry you think it is the fruit instead of a electronic device.

Oh, if I had the time LOL Let's just say...If you are ME, you are the hard core meaning of Counttttrrrryyyy LOL
All this pee talk reminded me of something. Although we are way out in the boonies, we live in an old ranger station house and the other ranger station is very close by...therefore we have neighbours who love really close. The DAY we moved out here, my youngest son (he would have been 2 I guess) walked over to the neighbour's front lawn, whipped down his pants and peed! That's a fine how do ya do!
Hey! I live in the city and I encourage the boys to tinkle outside. Saves water and bathroom clean up!

I potty trained the first one by having him tinkle in the know, learn by example. But because we are in the desert, I had to make sure the neighbors weren't getting their AC worked on first. I accidentally put on a show-- twice.

LOL I forgot one..except it is a chicken not turkey.

We can NEVER leave our windows down on the trucks because we have 2 chickens that will fly up into the vehicles every time a window is down!
My little girlie was a tad jealous of her brothers being able to pee outside with so little fanfare. So, she and I have figured out an easy peeing method for her....mama holds her like she is on a chair...easy peasy!

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