You know you are "Country" when...

3 blocks??? My post office is the next county over. Seriously, we aren't big enough for one, so they put us in the nearest town, which is the wrong county.

How bout when it is 2007 and your last child "graduates" from elementary school, which really IS a white wooden schoolhouse, with 110 kids total from Pre-K to 5th grade, and they have had the same 16 classmates since kindegarten, one teacher per grade.
When a freshly hit deer means a week's worth of meals for your family...
when you see a deer carcass in the road and wonder if it's still fresh enough to process...gross but sometimes the thought does go thru the mind
You hit a deer on the road and one of your first thoughts is, "I wonder if the neighbor could use the meat, it's still fresh!"
When you hit a deer and while waiting for the person you called to pick you up, you have the following conversation multiple times:

Person who stopped: Are you ok?

Me: Yeah, I'm fine.

PWS: Anything I can do for you?

Me: No thanks, someone is on their way.

PWS: Are you going to eat the deer, or do you mind if I take it?
- When your idea of "dressed up" is clothes that don't have some kind of poop, blood, or dirt on them.

- When your arms are all scratched up from working on fence to the point where if you were a teenager people would worry you were a "cutter."

- When you have two semen tanks in your living room with a piece of glass over them to use as a table.

- When your seven year-old daughter goes to school and for Show & Tell "tells" her town classmates all the specific details of how the buck breeds the doe, including how we know he's finished "he throws his head back when he ejaculates."

- When a chicken gets loose your husband can catch her out of the air like a baseball.

- When you have more pairs of boots than dress shoes.

That's just a start, sure I'll think of more...


Or, when you're allergic to bee stings and rather than pay $40 for an epi pen you tell your doctor the next time you're stung you'll just give yourself an IM shot in the leg 'cause you already have the Epinephrine in the meds fridge in the barn.
Where else should you leave the key? I'd lose it if it wasn't in the ignition! I leave it there when I go to work, too. I KNOW no one is gonna steal a beat up old van that has a liberal sprinkling of grit, feed, shavings and a bit of chicken poo to boot!

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