You know you are "Country" when...

Wow, you all make me proud to be an American!!!!!!

My house is still locked but that's because we have had city people commin' out to the country and robbing people. mean people suck!!! My car they can steal if they want it. They might bring it back they next night.
Our pool is brown because we never use it. Our chickens, dogs, and cats get priority in cold weather winter.

Farmers are the original green people. They reuse EVERYTHING!!!!! Trust me, my husband and father-in-law never buy anything unless they can't make it. And if they can't then they talk to someone who has parts before they buy new.
I resemble that
All my shoes except 1 pair of flip flops are on the porch with chicken, turkey( the worst), goat and horse poo.. oh and the dog sometimes gets lazy and goes right where I walk to the barn everyday! round here poop happens!
.....When the bar across the street has the following modes of conveyance parked in the lot on a summer Saturday night: riding mower, tractor, horse, snow mobile, 4 wheeler, gator......
You know when you are in the country when...

Your sunburnt shirtless neighbor gives directions like... Y'all go down the road there til you get to the big field with the lame horse and hang a left, go on down til you see the Johnson house (too bad about there son in prison), I figure about 3 or so miles past that you get the second large Oak tree in the field that has that nasty dead branch (someone oughta cut it down and use it) and you take 2 rights onto that old gravel road that meets up with the highway in the next town over but before it gets there you want to find the wood pile from that old barn Old Man Corning burnt down round about 50 years ago and take that road - looks like a trail but it will take you where you want to go.

And as I stand stand there with eyes like deer in the headlights, he spits out the tobacco he was chewing and says "Y'all wont have no trouble".

I love the county but learned get a map and dont ask for directions.
I'm not in the country now, but I've lived there before.

You know you're in the country when you see teenagers walking down the street carrying guns and instead of panicking you wave at them and wish them good luck because you know that if they get a deer they'll give you some meat.
I'm not sure if it's farmers or just country people in general.
I remember going into hardware stores and TSC type places after I grew up and think "you mean you can actually BUY this stuff??
because I am so used to people just getting parts off of something else. I didn't know you could actually buy the parts separate.

When your car breaks down (I swear I'm never gonna borrow DH's car again it always leaves me somewhere) so you call the nearest family member to come get you, and after they get there you say "If you have time I was just on the way to TSC to get some chicken feed, do you mind?"
I'm not sure if it's farmers or just country people in general.
I remember going into hardware stores and TSC type places after I grew up and think "you mean you can actually BUY this stuff??
because I am so used to people just getting parts off of something else. I didn't know you could actually buy the parts separate.

I'm gonna say it's country folk, in general. DH, nor his dad, are farmers (as much as DH wants to be one though!), but they sure can jury-rig most anything together!

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