You know you are "Country" when...

...when you can sit by/with your chickens all day because they make you happy....

...when you have spotlights at every window (facing the back yard/field) so DH can spot deer all night..... (and last year we saw the BIGGEST and FASTEST black bear EVER!!!!!!!!)

...when it snows you take the sled out behind the 4-wheeler (and contimplate using your 'snow dog' to pull your son

...when you start an addition on your chicken coop and wind up doing more etc and choose to say out until 12:30AM to finish it while you listen to the coyotes howling just off in the distance.... (having to use your vehicles lights just in case they come too close)
When your city friends somehow got it in their heads that you wash your chickens every Monday in the bathtub (somehow mis-reading the concept that you wash your chickens before shows, like once a year.)

When the 4-H office just directs calls they get about chickens to you, 'cos you're known in town as The Chicken Lady.

When your only concern when the power goes out is about the incubators and brooders losing heat.

That reminds me ...

You know you're country when it snows and you get out the old knee board to tow it behind the tractor for 'sled rides'.

[We don't have any hills to go sledding on. Hence the country riggin!]
When your hubby heads over the hill fully clothed and comes back wearing just boots and swinging his pants through the air....... all to make you laugh.

* True story, but it happened B.C. (that's "Before Children")
When you come home the dog comes running to meet the car..... right behind the GOAT!

I like to think it's love that makes them so happy to see me..... but it's more likely the french fries the kids drop on the floor boards.

That reminds me ...

You know you're country when it snows and you get out the old knee board to tow it behind the tractor for 'sled rides'.

[We don't have any hills to go sledding on. Hence the country riggin!]

'Round here, we use trash can lids.

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