You know you love your chickens when...

You cook oatmeal and scrambled eggs for them for breakfast before you have your first cup of coffee in the morning.....except for this morning because it is pouring rain and thundering.........
When you email restaurants for their kitchen scraps for the chickens and to use as garden compost. Then, get super excited when a Eco-conscious vegetarian cafe responds positively and then you go 3x a week to pick up their kitchen scraps.

Then, when you also decide that the chickens should get the most out of the organic restaurant veggie scraps and take the time to wash and chop up kale ribs, beet tops, apple cores, etc. in the food processor for them each time.

When you bring ziplock bags in your purse to bag any leftovers or garnished l for the chickens when you go out to eat.

When you are really tempted to bag leftovers from other restaurant patrons and think how wasteful they are, and how much your chicken would love the leftovers.

When you punish them with hugs after they raid and destroy your veggie garden.

When you plant extra "chicken" veggies.
When you sew hen saddles, you make them different sizes for different hens, and try to pick fabric that will compliment their feathers and their personality.

When your chicken first aide kit is better than your own first aide kit, partially because you raided your own to make the chickens' kit.
You buy a $1,700 chicken condo coop for your 10 future spoiled chickens

When you go thru the woods checking logs and wood out; hmm this would make a good chicken swing or I wonder if they'd like to roost on this branch in the run area??
And I second or third the grocery store chicken shopping but telling the kids-we don't feed them that or that but oo the chickens may like that treat hanging.

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