You know you love your chickens when...

I believe there was a study done that said plants grow better when they are exposed to bird song. Farmers keep music going in their barns b/c of studies that show it increases milk production. There may be a similar study related to music and it's impact on chicken growth, and egg production. Babies exposed to music, particularly classical in utero have much stronger math skills that carries through their school years. Music and math are strongly linked!
So you are saying that if I play my chicks classical music they will be able to tell me how many bags of feed to buy them when they are grown, or what the square footage of their coop and run should be. I'm picturing them with pencils stuck in the feathers behind their ears and little clipboards.
So you are saying that if I play my chicks classical music they will be able to tell me how many bags of feed to buy them when they are grown, or what the square footage of their coop and run should be. I'm picturing them with pencils stuck in the feathers behind their ears and little clipboards.

Every time I see your avatar it cracks me up. Theres nothing funnier than a chicken wearing a chicken hat!
When we first got Daisy (the chick in the back) she really did not like people whereas Elphie (the chicken in foreground) was like a pet. She would follow me around and do tricks for Cheese Its. I wanted to get a picture of the two of them together but Daisy would not come close and I couldn't get Elphie to stay away. In the end I settled for photos of Elphie with Daisy in the distance. I wound up with this one where Daisy just poked her head up to see what I was doing. She in an essence photo bombed Elphie. I though it was cute and Elphie was always my favorite so I made it my avatar, without ever noticing the "hat trick". :gig

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