You know you love your chickens when...

When you finally get around to putting up their fancy feeder and waterer and they try it out straight away as if it's the best thing ever. (not like the dogs and cats who might look at you like "is THIS all you got me?")
This is a whole other culture I've gotten myself flock has helped me get up in the morning <3
Shall I mention--- on those really cold mornings I warm their feed. Only you guys would get that :)
They get their own special oatmeal? Oh, you are a good Mommy. Except for the cannibal part...somehow, uh...hmmm.
Hey, I get eye rolling from my hubby over the feed warming part. When it snowed, I put down a towel before I put their food down, so they wouldn't have icy feet while they dined....
You realise that your Buff Orpington has gone broody and you can;'t bear to disapoint her (been there myself!) so you order hatching eggs and pace up and down the three days it takes for the post office to call you and tell you to come and get em!
And that is when you tell your husband that Buffy is soooooo happy because she is sitting on fertile eggs. And he looks puzzled, and then groans!

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