You know you love your chickens when...

Update on Tipp my chicken that wasn't herself and we ended up taking her to the vet

She's got a blocked up crop, alright. She's staying the day there while they do what all they going to do to "get things moving" So glad I check their crops regular...and their poop. Listen, check em, folks. Check your chickens regular, feel em up, check their vents, their water intake, eating habits, over all activity, all that. You love yours like we love ours, you make this habit. Poor Tip's got the start of the green poo happening and that ain't' good no way. Give your babes a look see. Doc says we got her in good time, we're getting her tonight.

We have "poop shoes" we wear when going to the coop or to the yard - they are cleaned off as best as we can before taking off and leaving on a mat inside the back door. As for the patio, a pressure nozzle does a great job - just have to watch veeerrry carefully where we walk or when we step out the door.
One of my Amerucanas sits on the back door step on the patio and watches the window to see if I'm coming out. She cranes her neck, looks up at the window and when I come to the door, she hops down and struts around the patio...this usually results in my having to do a little cleaning as the other two usually come join her and when all three sit on the patio....mess occurs!

Yes, this is me too. It's also my Ameraucana hen that waits and watches for me. She's also my hen that loves to be cuddled. I usually need to put her on the ground before she's ready to stop cuddling.

I have a total of 9 hens and 4 of them are Ameraucanas. One of the youngsters will fly up to the railing and look in the window waiting for me to come out.
Okay....... So i can't start a thread from my phone and I need some input from chicken crazy people like me. I have a 'special' hen. She gets picked on horribly by her flock mates so I have her in a small hut inside my coop. Approximately 3 sq feet maybe a little bigger. Should I build a small coop for her and get her a companion or should I giver her to a friend that has offered to take her and one of my other hens? I live in northern Michigan so its cold and lots of snow right now. I'm ridiculously attached to her but I want to do the right thing.
That is how I acquired my chickens. My d.inlaw had seven and the leghorn was getting picked on by the two barred rocks, so she asked if I'd take her, I did and one of the Amerucanas who just stayed off by herself and didn't join in with the others who were bullying her. Later, when my son and family had to move, they couldn't take their hens, so I adopted the second Amerucana and the remaining chickens went with the lady who came to get the coop and the remaining four, two barred rocks, a buffie and a silver lace. We had to get the leghorn away from the others as they ganged up on her. I love my three to pieces and it sure saved the leghorn's life, I'm sure, as the others ganged up on her. (She's the alpha chicken in our coop now!) If you feel the need to separate her from the attackers, a calm companion is a good idea.
to a friend that has offered to take her and one of my other hens?
Where will she be living with your friend? Will she have a friend there, or will she be friends with your other chicken that your friend will take? Will it just be them, or will they have to adjust to a different flock?

If she will have to adjust to a different flock, I'd probably try to get her some friends so she can have somebody "on her side" and improve her situation at your place. Having said that, I don't know much about chickens and "how they are". If the others are never going to leave her alone, even if she gets somebody "on her side", I'd let her go. It's her comfort and "happiness" that matter and I'd put aside my own feelings if she'd have a better time elsewhere.

EDIT Forgot today's contribution. You know you are mad about your chickens when you madly start pruning bushes because your chickens have gone in underneath, completely forgetting that what you are pruning is a plant that brings you out in an itchy rash. You know you are mad about chickens when you are reaching for antihistamines because of a stupid "rescue mission".
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Thank you both Kath and Potato. My friend doesn't have any chickens right now he lost his small flock last summer to a bobcat. He usually keeps enough hens to have a few eggs for himself. He's well experienced with raising chickens. I'm trying not to be selfish and I know I can go see her anytime I want its just hard to let her go I've had her since she was a cute little fuzzy chick. But I've made up my mind her and one of the other girls will go to their new home Sunday.

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