You know you love your chickens when...

What is WRONG with us?
It's not us, its the rest of the world!

You know you love.... when you realize that you will never have enough because there is so much variety, and then you realise that you don't want to wait until your son is out of college in order to move to the "country"!

When I read the original post from fly wheel about the phone in the nest box, that was the first thing I thought too...I am NOT alone!"
Come to think about it... as much time is spent in the hen houses, coops and yards, it's actually a miracle our phones don't have more...poop accidents, falls in water bowls, feed bins, or more have "chicken selfies" because seriously they are so curious about ANYTHING we have , I dunno about you but my chicks peek the living sheep out of my phone, when it's in my hand, put somewhere to be out of the way my pocket, even.
And no...that Saturday wasn't the first time I've left it SOMEWHEN chicken related! But under a broody? Hummm..newp. Not yet. You win with that one!
I wonder if it is time to consider an intercom from the coop to the house?
Ever since I read this, I have been singing it, too!
I have a fondness for singing a song from Mr. Rogers Neighborhood! I think it was from an Opera about a Bubble town or something... Originally sung quite mournfully "you're a fine horse, you're a very very fine horse, you're a very fine horse..." I've use it for all my animals and a child or too!

Maybe that's why I don't use the live feed from my chicken cam - between the baby talk and the singing, the men in the white coats might show up!

Oh! The horse replied "I know"
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lol ... mine is Helen Reddy's 'I am Woman'

"I am woman, hear me roar, in numbers to big to ignore. And I know too much to go back and pretend" becomes

"I am chicken, hear me whinge, in volume to loud to ignore. And I know that you will come back and attend [to MY needs]"

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