You know you love your chickens when...

AND you tell all your friends you named your chickens after songs about women who run off, and your friends do this:

It did stop conversation at a party recently.
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This thread is an amazing read!!! We are new chicken owners as we bought three chicks for my young daughters for Easter. I have never liked chickens until now. This thread does make me feel a lot better that I am not the only chicken nut out there. this thread...and BYC et al!
You know you love your chickens when; the minute you start getting pre-hatch signs you text EVERYBODY you know, toss out pics and updates like crazy during all the hatches in progress and like us, last night...worry all night that the last egg may not be viable and even though 5 DID hatch, you still go to bed a little sad that it's 5 baby chicks and not 6.
Then check soon as you wake up to see if that egg hatched and jump for joy it popped out healthy and fully!

You make them all a special meal of treats on special occasions... Chickens can celebrate Christmas too! They deserve presents... even if your friends think you're insane!
:7 this thread...and BYC et al!
You know you love your chickens when; the minute you start getting pre-hatch signs you text EVERYBODY you know, toss out pics and updates like crazy during all the hatches in progress and like us, last night...worry all night that the last egg may not be viable and even though 5 DID hatch, you still go to bed a little sad that it's 5 baby chicks and not 6.
Then check soon as you wake up to see if that egg hatched and jump for joy it popped out healthy and fully!

Wow congratulations!

Is that a sussex hen...? I'm not too good at naming all the chicken breeds... this thread...and BYC et al! You know you love your chickens when; the minute you start getting pre-hatch signs you text EVERYBODY you know, toss out pics and updates like crazy during all the hatches in progress and like us, last night...worry all night that the last egg may not be viable and even though 5 DID hatch, you still go to bed a little sad that it's 5 baby chicks and not 6. Then check soon as you wake up to see if that egg hatched and jump for joy it popped out healthy and fully!:weee :clap :celebrate
How amazing! Congratulations thats so exciting!!!!

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