You know you love your chickens when...

You play soft, spa-esque music to lull your little chicks to sleep.

Me tooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I totally forgot about doing this until I read your post. I had this acoustic guitar cd with nature sounds like birds singing, rushing water and the sounds of horses in the background. I played it for weeks and then one night I forgot to turn it on. When I noticed that they were chirping and fussy I turned on their music and they settled right down. I also used to diffuse lavender essential oil in the room too. I am almost embarrassed to admit that.
Me tooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I totally forgot about doing this until I read your post. I had this acoustic guitar cd with nature sounds like birds singing, rushing water and the sounds of horses in the background. I played it for weeks and then one night I forgot to turn it on. When I noticed that they were chirping and fussy I turned on their music and they settled right down. I also used to diffuse lavender essential oil in the room too. I am almost embarrassed to admit that.

That is ADORABLE. My girls are grown up and they still get lavender and other "soothing" herbs in their coop at night.
When you go out of your way to find vintage chicken paintings to decorate your house with because your taste in fine art has changed to all things chicken.

I recently thought about putting my house on the market and was worried that people would think a crazy person lives here because there is SO MUCH chicken art everywhere.
Me tooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I totally forgot about doing this until I read your post.  I had this acoustic guitar cd with nature sounds like birds singing, rushing water and the sounds of horses in the background. I played it for weeks and then one night I forgot to turn it on. When I noticed that they were chirping and fussy I turned on their music and they settled right down.  I also used to diffuse lavender essential oil in the room too.  I am almost embarrassed to admit that. :D

Oooh, diffusing lavender, there's a good idea!
Oooh, diffusing lavender, there's a good idea!

Thanks! Another thing I do with essential oils is to take 32 oz of filtered water in a spray bottle and add 30 drops of Lavender EO and 30 drops of Rocky Mountain Oils Purify (or Young Living's Purification) and I spray the inside of my coop every morning as I am cleaning it. It always smells so nice and it really keeps the insects out of there.

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