You know you love your chickens when...

Yes, YLO is the best!! I should order some of the Purify from them. I actually did massages at their conference they had up in Texas last year and just recently learned how to do the Raindrop Technique :D
I recently thought about putting my house on the market and was worried that people would think a crazy person lives here because there is SO MUCH chicken art everywhere.

When you go out of your way to find vintage chicken paintings to decorate your house with because your taste in fine art has changed to all things chicken.

You guys are making me realize that I have zero art inside my house, but the inside of my coop is covered in tin chicken & duck signs. Maybe that's why my friends & family keep laughing at me.
That is ADORABLE. My girls are grown up and they still get lavender and other "soothing" herbs in their coop at night. 

Le Spa de Pollo

Me tooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I totally forgot about doing this until I read your post.  I had this acoustic guitar cd with nature sounds like birds singing, rushing water and the sounds of horses in the background. I played it for weeks and then one night I forgot to turn it on. When I noticed that they were chirping and fussy I turned on their music and they settled right down.  I also used to diffuse lavender essential oil in the room too.  I am almost embarrassed to admit that. :D
You share your small bathroom for 2.5 weeks with sick chickens, and set up a roost for them in there, but they prefer to roost on the faucet. Cleaning the bathroom several times a day was not fun. (Thankfully this only happened once. We had tenants that shared the other bathroom. It was treacherous trying to use the bathroom, when they got of of their designated corner... Poop land mines.)
Last edited: a desperate bid to get them to drink their Big Ole Bird probiotic, about which they have been skeptical, to say the least, you wait until your lead hen is eyeing the waterer and then crouch down by it to start tapping the nozzle. She sees the water, slooooowly circles in on it with her neck stuck way out, takes a sip, and stops, so you tap again and keep alternating with her until she gets a good drink going. While this is happening you remain squished in a corner of the run by the waterer, saying, "Good girl" over and over until she finishes her drink.
When you spend ages down in the yard each day trying to coax the flighty chook to eat from your hand and gain some of her trust... Until she is happy enough to sit in your lap and fall asleep!
You Pick through the mu shu chicken in order to remove the chicken before giving it to your girls. You know they will love everything else but feeding them the chicken just feels wrong.

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