You know you love your chickens when...

Daaaaaang! I wanna live with your chickens!
Me, too - I mean, my chickens want to live with your chickens, rather. (Is it OK to want to be a chicken?)

There is still room in the coop for y'all! C'mon in!

....Also, I am contemplating starting a blog for them.
a little crazy?
No, you're not crazy to start a blog for them! That's a great idea!
You shouldn't have said that about room in your coop- my chickens want to go now! I can imagine the group of them with their suitcases boarding a train and going to your place. And, of course, they have the chicken walk- you know, their heads going back and forth and them goose-stepping. Chickens are so much fun!!!
This is cool! You know you love your chickens when you give them all the blueberries you were supposed to bake with for your family.
Guilty as charged! Except with me it's not berries, but that is a good idea ...

And when you buy veggies specifically for your chickens.
I can say that here on BYC and not feel too guilty. You guys do understand, right?
Guilty as charged! Except with me it's not berries, but that is a good idea ...

And when you buy veggies specifically for your chickens.
I can say that here on BYC and not feel too guilty. You guys do understand, right? :D  

I go to the farmer's market every Saturday for my chickens. Um...and for me...but mostly for the chickens. :D
I go to the farmer's market every Saturday for my chickens. Um...and for me...but mostly for the chickens.
Thank you! So I'm not the only one like that! I don't shop weekly for them, but I do pick up things when I can, and I have gone into the grocery store only because I needed some peas for the ducks or lettuce for the chickens or whatever they happen to "need" at the moment.
You guys actually get the whole pet chicken thing! Alot of people I know think I'm crazy, but, from the looks of things, it's quite normal!
Guilty as charged! Except with me it's not berries, but that is a good idea ...

And when you buy veggies specifically for your chickens.
I can say that here on BYC and not feel too guilty. You guys do understand, right? :D  

Haha! We go to the grocery store and always come across the veggie/fruit aisle and ponder what we should get the chickens from there.
Haha! We go to the grocery store and always come across the veggie/fruit aisle and ponder what we should get the chickens from there.
Every time I am in the store and see anything I give to the chickens, I think "chicken food!" Lettuce, peas, carrots, you name it!
We used to give old bread to the chickens and when I saw it in the store I immediately thought "Yuck, why are they selling that stale stuff?!"

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