You know you love your chickens when...

You decided to start a blog and an Instagram account for them. I may have a problem.

Real Hens of Orange County


Just took a quick look at your blog, and it is HILARIOUS. I think Barred Rock Obama and Mary. Queen of Squawks, are my favorite names. I am a huge Real Housewives fan, so this is perfect for me! Look forward to reading more.

Thanks!! I'm glad you liked it! With chickens there will be plenty of drama to blog about! I think I'll be adding Part 3 of "Usurping the King" later this week or early next week. In the meantime, am going to try to add more bios and bio pics.
You decided to start a blog and an Instagram account for them. I may have a problem.

Real Hens of Orange County

HaHa very nice!
When you watch TV, your chick's are taking a nap with you.
When the kids walk to the cows and the chicks take a ride on their shoulders. (We have wonderful almost 4 wk old buff orpingtons)

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