You know you love your chickens when...

We converted a playground playhouse into a coop and attached a run! The child is 15 now, so she doesn't mind. We do go out there at 9 p.m. and "tuck them in," too!
You know you love your chickens when you go out in the mid afternoon and stand in the blazing sun sweating your buns off and fill all their favorite forage spots with cool water from the hose so the little clucky talkers can go stand in it to cool off their bodies. They come running and talking when they see me because they know what I'm about to do for them and they love it. Makes my day each time.
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You know you love your chickens when you go out in the mid afternoon and stand in the blazing sun sweating your buns off and fill all their favorite forage spots with cool water from the hose so the little clucker talkers can go stand in it to cool off their bodies. They come running and talking when they see me because they know what I'm about to do for them and they love it. Makes my day each time.

aw, what a nice chicken mama you are!
you find not just one, but THREE more stashes of eggs in the bushes, and you still don't plan on making the girls stay in their run and not have the whole backyard to explore.
You know you love chickens when your two month old nephew is visiting and you catch yourself softly clucking to him....sheesh, his mom was giving me the strangest looks before I realized what I was doing!
When you get out of bed 6 times during the night on their first night in the big girl coop to sneak out and check on them to make sure they're settling in okay. Then at 6 am crawl into their coop with them because they were sounding the "alert" chirp and you know they like sleeping in your lap.

I love this thread! And can relate to most of the posts! I also "tuck in" my chickens at night and realized that I also sing them a lullaby...not any certain song, just nonsense like "night night chickies, sleep good chickie peeps, sweet dreams peeps" and pet them gently. I'm also obsessive about counting them and making sure nobody got left outside. And husband learned to do a head count if he's the one who shuts them up, or else I have to go count them.
Also, for predators like Eagles and such, a slingshot is a satisfying deterrant.
OMG, I totally sing lullabies to my chicks when I tuck them in at night, lol!

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