You know you're an animal lover when _______.

Wow. That is so sad. I'm a major horse rider and that sort of stuff just breaks my heart.

Which is why I don't go to that shrine. Also you see loads of idiots keeping stallions here. Really!? There is also a festival here where they race horses up a very steep incline, the higher they go the better. Many horses fall on their backs because it is so steep and get hurt. I had one old guy confront me at this fest saying how all foreigners thought this was horrible but we should stop complaining because it is fun and historical. Smiled, nodded, and got the fk out of there. I went so I could make an informed decision about hating the shrine.
Which is why I don't go to that shrine. Also you see loads of idiots keeping stallions here. Really!? There is also a festival here where they race horses up a very steep incline, the higher they go the better. Many horses fall on their backs because it is so steep and get hurt. I had one old guy confront me at this fest saying how all foreigners thought this was horrible but we should stop complaining because it is fun and historical. Smiled, nodded, and got the fk out of there. I went so I could make an informed decision about hating the shrine.

Wow. :th Thats horrible.
Oh my! People everywhere have sick customs they keep up just because it is a tradition, and it baffles me. I love horses and all animals in general, and it is insane what some people do just because it has always been done.
Thats horrible.

Oh my! People everywhere have sick customs they keep up just because it is a tradition, and it baffles me. I love horses and all animals in general, and it is insane what some people do just because it has always been done.

Sick? No. Uninformed and VERY typically male? Japanese? Yes. This tradition is not done with the intent to harm the horses but it is a result. It is also one of the main draw for tourists to our very small town that needs tourist money. Sadly I doubt I will ever be in a position to do anything about it.
Racing in general is not very good for the horses. I have been very exposed and raised around the racing, showing, and overall training of horses, and it is not something I would want to partake in. Male? That is pretty stereotypical. Maybe.
When - I go get the hen feed from the shed and ............................. put out a dish of chicken feed for the mice infesting the shed ????????????

UGH????? Then I bring the cat to help me feed the hens?
Just so he knows where the mice are??????
Then I take him inside incase he catches them??????


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