You May Call Us Rodents or Vermin, But You Dont Know Us Yet - The RP(Role Play)

Saratoga shook her head. "Ok!" She smiled, and picked up a pebble, she leaned forward ready to drop. She dropped it, then she heard crying. She looked over the ledge to see she had hit a very young child. She gasped and looked back at them, should she ho down and help or stay?
Saratoga put her wings on her head. "I tried to hit the big one! It not my fault they were walking together and holding hands!"
Saratoga shrugged. "I don't think I've seen.... THEY KILLED MY PARENTS!!!!" She remembered, sitting in her mother's nest in the city park. My mother sitting on the edge of the nest, my father circling around the nest, watching for danger. A boy, below slung rocks into the nest hitting me and mother. One day, I watched my father drop from the sky, dead. I sat in my nest, nervous and afraid. My mother tried to calm me then it hit her, and she fell to the ground. I had my feathers, but haven't learned to fly just yet. I made it so they couldn't see me, I was alone...
Xavier walked over to Solander and hit him with his wing. "Stupid! Stupid, bird. You know she lost her parents that way! But no! You with you limited talk, only says the wrong thing!" He scowled and scolded.

"Sorry! I forget this. My memory not so good! Maybe because you hit me all the time. No?" Solander cackled in his defense.

Xavier walked back over to Saratoga to comfort her. " it is a very important lesson to learn, at such a young age. But it has made you who you are today. Has it not?" He asked her hopefully.
Saratoga nodded slowly. "I guess." She sighed, she hated remembering what had happened, it seemed like every time she went to have fun, it went to disaster.

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