You May Call Us Rodents or Vermin, But You Dont Know Us Yet - The RP(Role Play)

Saratoga chuckled and got a pebble. She flew to the sidewalk walking about, a man with a suitcase looked at his watch as he walked. Saratoga, went up to him and took his watch, after throwing the pebble at him. She flew back to the males, the watch in her talons. "Here you want it?" She smiled
Xavier laughed at her and said," No! I don't have TIME for that!" He fell on his back laughing hard. Then caught his breath long enough to say, " You know TIME flies when you're having fun!!"

Solander cackled with laughter too. He flopped his wings about.
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Saratoga laughed, "what to do with this? Hmmmm... wanna throw it at him?" She asked still laughing
Saratoga laughed again and picked up the watch, she came to the edge and threw it at him. He picked up his watch and threw a rock at her. Saratoga was hit, but it didn't really hurt her. She couldn't pick up the rock to throw it at him, so she couldn't really retaliate
Xavier dived off the ledge and clawed and pecked the human man's head. Then as he flew up, he let loose a little something of his own. It landed right in his hair. Satisfied, he flew back to the others. When he landed he bobbed up and down to show respect to Saratoga.
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Saratoga, bobbed her head, to thank him. She flapped her wings and laughed. "You always know what to do!" She complimented under her laughs and cackles
Saratoga chuckled.

Ashton climbed up the building. "Oh!!! There you guys are!" She sat in the gravel

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