You might be a redneck if... for laughs share your critter story that fits

Actually, it was my uncle's deer & truck, not Dad's, but it was still funny.

If you break open an egg for breakfast and discover it's fertile, and then feel bad about breaking it open,
If you even know what the inside of a fertile egg looks like, or care,
If you build your fence out of welded wire, put hardware cloth around the bottom, & hold it all in place with zip ties,

If the word tractor conjures up thoughts of mobile housing facilities instead of cropland,

You just might be a redneck.
Check, check, check, and check.
@kwhites634oops uncle. A year and a half ago, I did not even know what a chicken tractor was much less made a trip to a mower repair shop asking for old wheels for one. That required explaining what was one to them.
@kwhites634 oops uncle. A year and a half ago, I did not even know what a chicken tractor was much less made a trip to a mower repair shop asking for old wheels for one. That required explaining what was one to them.
It's scary when you know more about hardware cloth than the guy at Lowes
When people come to your home and want to see your animals and you break out Walmart bags for goodies or the viricide spray before they can go anywhere your chickens free-range
Don't blame ya.

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