You might be a redneck if... for laughs share your critter story that fits

That kinda reminded me of when we totaled our car with a buck...a huge buck! Prettiest rack.... We got the car home and turned around to go back and get him, well at least his head, and it was already gone! And this was at like 2 am!

Grrr rednecks stole my trophy bucks head. I was gonna put his head on my wall for wrecking our car lol :p
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That kinda reminded me of when we totaled our car with a buck...a huge buck! Prettiest rack.... We got the car home and turned around to go back and get him, well at least his head, and it was already gone! And this was at like 2 am!

Grrr rednecks stole my trophy bucks head. I was gonna put his head on my wall for wrecking our car lol :p
I was on my way to work one day years ago with my Honda civic. Stopped to help someone who hit a deer. They did not want it. I whipped the tarp out of my car wrapped up the deer called the Conservation department, put it in the car and headed to work. I had a friend cone get it to process it for a split.
I was on my way to work one day years ago with my Honda civic. Stopped to help someone who hit a deer. They did not want it. I whipped the tarp out of my car wrapped up the deer called the Conservation department, put it in the car and headed to work. I had a friend cone get it to process it for a split.

Lol that sounds about right :D

I was so mad about losing his head that I completely forgot about the 500# of meat we left laying there... Thanks for reminding me haha :p
Oh, lol I was envisioning a burly Popeye type hoisting a deer into the back of a civic :D

Still envisioning... now, a smaller, Popeye type hoisting a smaller deer in a civic.. Hey at least then you could use the carpool lane to get to work :p
See my avatar. I am not a Popeye, but am not oliveoul either :D
Haaaayy, your horse is the same color as my girl!
Liver chestnut, I presume?
Haaaayy, your horse is the same color as my girl! :highfive:  Liver chestnut, I presume?
Actually, his brother was liver but did not get the flaxen and Corsario was a darker chestnut not really liver, but he got the flaxen. Before he got sick it was pure flaxen and his forelock hung down between his nostrils and the mane past his shoulder. He was a very 'pretty boy.'
Actually, his brother was liver but did not get the flaxen and Corsario was a darker chestnut not really liver, but he got the flaxen. Before he got sick it was pure flaxen and his forelock hung down between his nostrils and the mane past his shoulder. He was a very 'pretty boy.'
W.O.W. That's one serious mane!!! What happened to him? Sickness, I mean...
:th  W.O.W. That's one serious mane!!! What happened to him? Sickness, I mean...
He got allergy based COPD. After a couple of years of struggling to breath from March to November he developed founder issues (pain and lack of movement not weight). The two conditions fed into each other until I had to put him down after four years

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