Young Ameraucanas missing feathers on their backs


May 31, 2016
My wife and I are new to raising chickens, so if this is easily answerable then it is borne entirely of inexperience.

We have 2 Ameraucanas living in a mixed flock with 8 other birds (2 buff orpringtons, 2 white leghorn, 4 rhode island red). The flock ranges in age from 12-15 weeks, approximately. We have noticed that the two Ameraucanas are frequently missing big patches of feathers on their backs. My wife suspects it is because they are being picked on / pecked by the others. I think she might be right because they are the most skittish of our birds and will spend time in the coop while the others are out in the run.

We have tried to rule out mites or other pests by inspecting the birds. We also have not noticed this happening to any of the others since they moved out of their big cardboard box in the garage and into their coop - about 5 weeks ago.

Any suggestions or ideas would be much appreciated!

Looks like you may have a feather Pullet amongst your flock hard to tell on my phone sorry. Try adding some protein to their food regime . Things like boiled egg, tuna fish, or a poultry conditioner can help to increase protein. It could also be a parasite 5 drops ivermectin pour on to the back can remedy external parasites. They could also be going through a partial molt stage In any case a little extra protein is good for them anyhow. Apply some blue kite or peckin stopper to the area to discourage more pecking and add on the protein. It will take awhile for the feathers to return and some may not turn up until molting.
Since this is our first group of chickens, and because they are all different breeds, we haven't been able to identify whether one of them is a cockerel or not. I guess we are going to continue to wait and see how they grow (or if one starts crowing) to determine if we have one or not.
I had this happen when I introduced new chickens to my flock. I had a barred rock and black sex link that would peck the shit of the lowest pecking order new chickens. They would aim for near the tail area. Although they were terrific layers, I ended up getting rid of them because they got to be so mean.

If it's not a mean chicken in the flock, then looks like it might be from mating.

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