Young Chick "Uno" Problem With Standing


In the Brooder
9 Years
Jan 8, 2011
Barred Rock Cochin bantam hatched 1/14/11. First to pip and first to hatch. Hence the name "Uno".
Uno eats and drinks but keeps his breast on the floor. If you pick him up he starts flapping and chirping. When you sit him down he starts backing up with his breast on the floor and his wings stretched as though he is using them to balance. He'll back a little then stop and settle down.
No other chicks like this and he is on pine shavings.
This is my 6 y/o daughters pick of the litter.
In our test hatch we had 5 Buff Brahma standards, 2 Barred Cochin bantams and 1 mixed cochin bantam hatch.
From hatch day, I can't say I've ever seen Uno stand. Just kinda slips around.
Telling my wife we may have a special case on our hands.

We have 40 + eggs due out the 9th and I'm wondering if this could be a birth defect or injury from other chicks.

Possibly broken tail?????

Still he eat and drinks fine and happens to be my daughters pick.
Whatta YOU DO ???????

Thanks for reading and please help Uno so I might be able to explain to my little one we he acts the way he does.
I think you might be right. Broken tail's what it sounds like. I can't say I know how to treat it, though. I'd let it be a little bit longer and observe it closely. Either way, best of luck!
We are going to separate him out so if it does want to heal he won't get trampled on.
My wife has a REALLY BIG soft spot for our animals so it'll get treated better than me.

Gotta give it a chance!

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