Young chicken with a broken, limp leg


Aug 27, 2018
last week, my 3 month old was attacked maybe by a skunk maybe by a fellow hen since we just introduced a new one the day before. I caught a skunk and noticed the baby wasn’t coming out. I noticed her leg was broken. I attempted to splint it and wrapped it and kept her in a crate. I didn’t expect her to survive the night, but she did.

Last night I undid the wrapping, cleaned and wrapped again. But her leg has turned greenish and is completely limp. I’m assuming it has lost circulation and died. She appears healthy besides the leg. She eats and drinks but obviously has limited mobility. Currently, she spends the day in my herb garden and I bring her in the crate indoors at night.

I attempted to put her back with the flock today but was picked on by one of my 3 year olds. So I took her back out.

What are my options? I love her but am not interested in spending lots of money for a vet.


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I would cull her if that leg is useless. You probably won't be able to put her back with the rest if she continues to not be able to walk.
I disagree. It may depend on how much time and effort you want to put in. Where is the green? The leg does not look devitalized to me. What’s happening with the bloody feathers? Can you look closely at the flesh wound? You may have multiple injuries to tend to. I would keep her warm, provide supportive care, clean the wounds and then figure out where the break, if there is one, is located. Depending on whether there are bite marks or a compound fracture, she may also need an antibiotic. Can she grasp your hunger with that foot? Does she wince/squawk in pain if you gently palpate her leg all over?
Sorry, one more thing. She definitely needs to be protected from the flock if she is injured and immobile. But you can have her in the crate with the flock so she doesn’t have to be reintroduced later if she survives this. Good luck and please keep us posted.
I will not call her if she's Mine rather I treat u should give her vitamin regularly clean her leg with liquid betaine mix in water or saline solution & apply some triple antibiotic ointment then bandage make sure it's not so tight that can stop circulation
Give her multivitamin with biotin & feed her eggs .. protein heals wound quickly

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